Xingy01 Member


  • No cheese? Blasphemy! I'd have to give up tacos, burritos, lasagna, pizza, grilled cheese, sandwiches and subs, baked potatoes with cheese, cheese fries, hamburger casserole, goulash, baked spaghetti, quesadillas, nachos, au gratin potatoes, cheeseburgers, chicken cordon bleu, chili with cheese, pastel de papas, and many…
  • Everyone is motivated by different things. Whether it's a good idea or not is up to you. If it helps motivate you then why not? A lot of people on here say to throw your fat clothes away so that you can't go back to them. I find that keeping my fat clothes is motivation for me because I can see how much smaller I am in…
  • It doesn't make a difference. Whether you eat 4000 calories tomorrow or 2k today and 2k will be the same. Many people do intermittent fasting or alternate day fasting and other variations. They lose just as much as someone who eats an equal number of calories at traditional times.
  • It's called pitting edema. There are non-serious as well as serious causes for it. Pregnancy, kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, medications, allergic reactions, blood clots, leg/foot injuries. You should definitely make an appointment with your doctor asap. Edit: Aaaand you're a boy. Forget the pregnancy cause.
  • One thing to remember about eating sweets is nothing will be better than the first bite. You don't need to eat the whole thing. That 2nd cookie or 2nd bite of cake will never taste as good as the first. If you can't incorporate a little of everything into your diet, you will struggle. Getting to a healthy weight knowing…
  • I think you should talk to your doctor about it. Maybe you're not sleeping well or sleeping enough...could be stress or a medical issue like sleep apnea. Are you depressed? That can cause people to lack energy. If it's diet related, maybe you just need to give your body some time to adjust.
    in Always Tired Comment by Xingy01 May 2014
  • I was that way also. I never felt satisfied until I felt bloated or stomach pain. I was eating ridiculous amounts of food. I could eat 12 tacos or 6 cheeseburgers or 3 footlong subs. After eating considerably less for a while, I found that I couldn't tolerate that much food anymore. I overate a week ago and had 6 tacos...I…
  • If you're not losing weight then your calorie deficit isn't low enough and/or you're not counting accurately. It's easier to lose weight and estimate calories when you're larger and have more to lose. When you get closer to your goal, you have to be a lot more careful because your deficit will be a lot smaller so there's…
    in Diet Breaks Comment by Xingy01 May 2014
  • Eat maintenance so that you can enjoy it and don't feel deprived while also not sabotaging yourself and creating more work. That's what I do :)
  • Half a gallon of water is over 4 lbs. It's not hard to eat a pound of food at each meal. 5 lb fluctuations are perfectly normal
  • I take wellbutrin for depression and one of its side effects is suppressed appetite. It definitely helps. Even if I didn't need it for depression, I wouldn't be opposed to taking an appetite suppressant if the risk was small enough. Just like bariatric surgery, appetite suppressants are a tool. You still have to work to…
  • Yeah I guess seeing the sizes in clothes go down could be as motivating as staying in oversized clothes
  • When your diet changes, you'll often notice differences in the amount/frequency of bowel movements. If you're urinating more, it could be that your body normally retains a lot of water and by reducing soda consumption (which has sodium) and changing eating habits, your body sheds the excess water. I never had cramping and…
  • I only look when people ask for advice on here. If I logged, I'd have mine open. Instead, I just keep a little total of calories I've eaten for the week beside my desk.
  • I lose and gain up to 5 lbs every day depending on what I ate. You could have lost more or less than 3 lbs. It's hard to tell in just a few weeks. Just keep at it and see where you are in a couple months.
    in Help!?! Comment by Xingy01 May 2014
  • My guess is that since you lost weight, estimating your calories isn't working as well. When you're big, you have the luxury of a larger deficit so even if the estimations and product labeling are wrong, it's still easy to lose weight. The less you have the lose, the harder it is.
  • Nobody said junk food is good for you. They just said that you can still lose weight even if you eat junk. You're the one that said you will gain weight if you eat sugar. Most people here are trying to eat a balanced diet and incorporate little indulgences here and there. You a normal person. I think you're…
  • It did. I think I'm going to have a heart attack in a minute. Oh wait that's just gas.
  • I just ate 2 Reese's cups. I think those 210 calories are going to make me gain 5 lbs. brb let me weigh myself. Nope. Still the same weight.
  • "However, their statement that most patients regain their lost weight is still true." What is the significance of this statement? It is also true for people who are on less calorie restrictive diets. 4/5 of all people on a diet are going to fail. Most will gain weight. I never said that people on a VLCD are more successful…
  • I'm not here to debate. Your metabolism doesn't change significantly when you eat a large deficit. Everyone eating at a deficit will have a small decrease in metabolism, but it isn't exponential and it's temporary... so it's a non-factor. It absolutely does not matter. He's not starving himself so muscle loss won't be…
  • 1. Starvation mode is a least in terms of how people on this site seem to view it. It's a non-factor in weight loss. 2. You don't have trouble eating that many calories. If you did, you wouldn't be where you are today. If you are feeling satisfied after 1200 calories, great. That's perfectly fine. As long as…
  • What you are reading is junk from someone who wants to sell you something. The guy has a degree in economics. He has probably never taken a science class beyond the general education requirements. What is written on that site is not "science." It is filth that is designed to convince people to hand him their money. What…
  • You will lose weight if you're eating 1200 calories/day. You'll lose it faster at 1200 than anything above 1200. A lot of people on MFP don't know what they're talking about and just repeat the same myths and phrases they've heard in the past or from other posters. The problem with 1200 + exercise isn't that you won't lose…
  • Even people on very low calorie diets supervised by a physician don't have a significant reduction in metabolism. You will always lose more weight eating fewer calories than eating more. The question is how much do you need to eat to get enough nutrients while also having a deficit. You can retain water for more than the…
  • You're only 144 lbs and you want to lose almost 11 lbs in one month without losing any muscle? It's probably not possible. You could build muscle until your body fat is 10%, but that would require you to gain 108 lbs of muscle in a month...that's not going to happen. You could lose fat by eating a calorie deficit, but…
  • If you have 1000 calorie deficit, you should lose 25 lbs in 3 months.
  • Nobody is going to lose weight faster at 1900 calories than 1600 calories. The starvation mode thing is a myth. It's like claiming that putting 10 gallons of gas in your car makes it go further than putting 15 gallons. It doesn't make sense. Your weight will fluctuate daily. It can fluctuate as much as 5-10 lbs in some…
  • Nobody has ever said anything directly to me, but they've said it behind my back. I'm such a timid, non-confrontational person though. With all the downsides to that type of personality, it has its benefits. I'm still a nice person and don't treat them any differently. Some of them have become closer and more friendly.…
  • Most universities have a registered dietitian in the hospital/health center/doctors offices that students use. I think you should make an appointment and get them to help you with your diet. They can look at your health history, your stats, and suggest a special diet that is tailored specifically for you.