vicky_gem Member


  • don't forget you can ask for a short size drink too. it's not usually advertised but it's smaller than tall and half the calories of a grande version of same drink. oh it's cheaper too ;) i hit up skinny caramel macchiato, skinny flavoured lattes And soy mistos with Splenda.
  • Hi mokey41 yes I have them synced with mfp at sedentary as you said-however I wasn't sure if the 600-700 extra I was earning in the day by taking around 13k steps total inc 45-60 mins jogging on the treadmill was accurate and if I could or should eat those back. I have adjusted my activity level to lightly active and mfp…
  • Hi harleygroomer, the 600-700 extra was from doing around 13000 steps total inc 45-60 mins on the treadmill jogging at 5-5.5mph on slight incline not just a walk of 45-60 mins. I've set my activity level now to lightly active and mfp seems to have adjusted extra cals earned to 450-500. You sound like you've a lot of good…
  • Thanks for sharing all your experiences and guidance so far ! Please keep them coming ! I think so far I've decided from whaf people have said to set my mfp activity level to lightly active and then know I can eat back some, maybe up to 75% but probably not all, of the extra cals burned without too much worry of…
  • I have it paired up in a bid to neither under nor over eat but without knowing the accuracy or what settings to use to optimise performance I feel a bit in the dark!
  • Ok update! I just changed my fitness level to lightly active and the extra exercise cals earned has gone from 680 to 500!
  • Oh that's interesting. So it could be beneficial to up my activity level on mfp? Would lightly active be appropriate for someone who is often sedentary but exercises for about 45 mins a day?
  • Just to clarify I jog on the treadmill at 5-5.5 mph rather than just walking
  • Hmmm thanks k_diddly that's a bit worrying!
  • Haha! It's just frustrating me not knowing if it's accurate enough that I can, or even if I should, eat back extra cals earned!