

  • second thought is this... there are basic other dishes you usually have with red meat (steaks) like potatoes or some sort of side dish that is usually loaded with calories. so cutting the red mean would also eliminate the eating of other starchy and fatty foods too.
  • it depends on how much red meat you currently eat. If you are talking about complete elimination, it's good for a while (simply because of the high calories in red meat). A lot of the same benefits and added ones come from chicken and fish. I am unsure of how many times a week or month is normal, but too much red meat (or…
  • You are 100% correct Jenny... the only way to really do it is search for cardio exercise and choose high intensity cardio or something like that bc no doubt P90X is high intensity. That's the best match I've found for it.
    in P90X Comment by Dblair96 June 2011
  • Please don't judge me by my first post.... I wish I was as funny as I thought i sometimes was.
  • I'm totally on board! Let's all do this together! Question: If everyone on here loses weight intended, will the earth spin faster?
  • HCG - good immediate effects, but like everything else, it doesn't change your habits so weight is gained back. I think it is the best miracle out there if you want to drop weight for something quickly. The only thing is that because it's a new fad (although it's been around for years), nobody knows the longterm effects of…
    in HCG Diet Comment by Dblair96 June 2011
  • Agelique; how long have you been on MFP? I've used the mobile app for 4 months now, but just got on to the website. Everyone on here is pretty cool it seems and stick together... You can do it :happy:
  • I do it as I go also... all i know is that it really makes me think about what's going into my body.