Eliminated red meats? Tell me about it.

nuviag Posts: 131 Member
Has anyone eliminated red meat from their diet?
I've read about it, but I'm curious if any of you have noticed a difference in your body/health.


  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    bump :smile:
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I have, been about two weeks so far. I feel healthy but I've also instituted a lot of other healthy eating elements as well so it's hard to know which is to blame :) There's so many alternatives to beef that it seemed silly not to drop red meat. After all you can eat almost twice as much fish or chicken as beef for calories and that means I fill up better and stay full because of the good lean protein.
  • Dblair96
    Dblair96 Posts: 8
    it depends on how much red meat you currently eat. If you are talking about complete elimination, it's good for a while (simply because of the high calories in red meat). A lot of the same benefits and added ones come from chicken and fish. I am unsure of how many times a week or month is normal, but too much red meat (or of anything for that fact) is not good for you.
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    I've cut way back... I LOVE red meat, but I want "GOOD" red meat if I'm going to have the calories lol so I don't eat it often because I can't afford steaks regularly ;)

    I feel healthy, but when I eat red meat I don't EVER feel unhealthy - in fact - I find I recover faster from workouts, etc... You have really got to ensure you are getting the proper range of proteins in your system if you cut out too many meats - I think variety plays a huge role - I have a lot of chicken, fish ,turkey, and some red meat as well as Protein shakes lol

    That help?
  • shaundam
    shaundam Posts: 38 Member
    I made the decision to eat as little red meat as possible a few weeks ago. Only because when I would try to work out the next day i felt heavier and sluggish. It just became a battle, so for the most part I don't eat red meat. Even though it is my favorite! I will indulge ever now and then but overall I feel a lot better when working out.
  • Dblair96
    Dblair96 Posts: 8
    second thought is this... there are basic other dishes you usually have with red meat (steaks) like potatoes or some sort of side dish that is usually loaded with calories. so cutting the red mean would also eliminate the eating of other starchy and fatty foods too.
  • annieinnm
    annieinnm Posts: 23 Member
    Last week I found out that red meat causes an allergic reaction (inflammation) for me, so I have had to cut it out. I never ate a lot of it anyway, so it's not a problem. I eat chicken/turkey, fish and seafood, eggs, or goat dairy products instead. (Can't do dairy from cows either.) I find I "feel" lighter without it. There are so many poultry products that are just as good or better, such as roast chicken or turkey, turkey and chicken sausage, turkey hamburgers/meatloaf or in pasta sauce, turkey meatballs, etc. etc. I don't miss it at all. In any case, I get sick at the thought of eating red meat from "normal, i.e., commercially raised" cows.....have you ever driven by a feedlot? Yuck...just the thought turns me off of it. Plus all the antibiotics and growth hormones scare me. My husband still eats red meat but we buy it from a butcher that raises their own without the drugs.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I haven't had red meat or pork in 16 years but I can't really tell you if I felt any different after doing so but my vitals and blood work have always been A+. I actually stopped eating those items to lose weight and never missed them when I cut them out.
  • peggy1209
    peggy1209 Posts: 84 Member
    I don't eat red meat, it's been a couple of years. I think I have a grass fed burger once every six months or so.

    My initial reasons for eliminating it were environmental (beef production is a huge strain on the planet). But I do remember feeling better after eliminating it.
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    i could never eliminate red meat.. I love it and I have canine teeth. :bigsmile:
  • kgteddy
    kgteddy Posts: 1
    I'm a vegetarian, so I cut out red meat and all other meats almost two years ago. As long as you don't replace most of your beef with other meats, I'd imagine you'd feel some of the benefits I've received from that change. I feel great as long as I keep my diet balanced (there is a ton of vegetarian junk food, believe it or not). There are plenty of ways to get protein from plant or milk/egg sources. Also, it helps with digestion issues sooo much. I'm pretty young still, so I haven't had to worry much about cholesterol, but know I consume much less of it now.
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    I cut out all meat on September 5th, 2010 and have lost 60 pounds with diet alone, I swear my only exercise was walking to the fridge, bathroom, and bedroom! My cholesterol is in normal range, (bad)334 down to 166 (good is 50), and I swear my hair is growing faster, of course my husband thinks I'm nuts (and probably am). I did start eating seafood again, but only on the rare occasion. I love it, don't miss the meat, and my grocery bill has gone down!
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    oh yeah, since I have lost weight I have started exercising for real. I can't do to much yet, but I'm getting there!
  • BastaConLaPasta
    yep, I cut out red meat and wheat 3.5 years ago - feels a lot better.