ummmmm84 Member


  • Hi I'm 29 if that's close enough lost 3stone want to lost another 7lbs to 14lbs Feel free to add me Claire, Cambridgeshire
  • Yep I'm from the uk Cambridgeshire to be a little more precise. Hi all
  • Hi I love the thought that you refuse to see yourself as restarting just went slight off track that's all. I to like the feeling if running especially the runners high you can't beat it Friend request sent
  • I haven't really been following slimming world since i have been using mfp. Do you all follow slimming world but then log calories etc in your food diary?
  • Feel free to add me. Think my dairy is open or open to friends. It would be nice to see what people in the uk are eating. I log ever day every calorie good or bad.. It would be good to get ideas from others as well
  • Hi I also like running it is a love hate relationship I could run for over an hour. I did two races the same day and it really took it out of me. I also have a few medical conditions so they didn't help things. Took around 3 weeks to feel back to normally now I'm trying to get back and beyond that. Feel free to add
  • I'm with slimming world too have been for nearly a year started on mfp because I was loading then putting on. Feel free to add me
  • I continue to exercise but I don't struggle with cramps. Anything is better than nothing. The sweet thing is one that still gets me so I will be interested to see what others write
  • I'm going to a place called kersey,England they only have one pub. Last time I went I had a beef lasagna it came out with a lot of oil or something over it. Thank you for the suggestion of salad BUT it doesn't do anything for me except make be feel hungry. I will have a look for the deck of cards pictures for a rough…
  • I find this thread interesting as I have been putting my workout as strength. As it involves a weight I was annoyed when it said no calories burnt
  • I've been looking at Precision Engineered. Don't no if that's an English brand.I don't want to spend loads on one but don't want a to cheap on that's tastes horrible. I got a shaker thing with the ball in from eBay yesterday so I'm half ready to go. I was thinking the chocolate flavour. As I get more into it I'll start add…
  • That's what I was thinking and it seems quick enough. Do they taste alright in general?
  • Yep from the uk also, Cambridgeshire. Feel free to add. There doesn't seem to be many of us on here
  • Hi I'm Claire started on with mfp last Thursday. I have already lost 2 and half stone but felt I need a bit of a push/ help. A work colleague suggested the site. Feel free to add me. I'm still trying to get to grips with the site. I'm still trying to love fitness. I now class myself as a runner and love the runners high