noelleb86 Member


  • Everyone's before & after pictures are brilliant! A total inspiration! Can't wait for when I can show my own before & after photos... currently 10lbs down with about 25-30lbs to go :)
  • Hi... day 8 today and I've just started level 2, purely by accident... my DVD went on the wrong workout, decided not to change it and give it a go! It's hard work, but think I'll stay on level 2 now until I'm ready for level 3 :)
  • On day 4 of Level one. I don't feel any different as such, arms/legs not aching or anything either, maybe i'm not pushing myself hard enough?! I don't want to be in loads of pain, but don't feel like I'm doing anything! I will stick at it though, I Still plan on going to gym 3-4 times a week. I also babysit 2 very…
  • Hi... stumbled on this post! Just did day one of the 30 day shred, only found out about it yesterday,... doing the youtube video until my DVD arrives! Going to Australia in nearly 5 weeks...need to sort myself out haha! Thought I'd bump this thread, see how everyone is doing :)