Very Pretty
Very Pretty
Why thanks...I could do, too
Very cute...but no
Already did it...MASSAGE!
has to be the calves
Shopping date!
My abs
So many... Where do I start?
Super cute
Me: Abs Men: Arms
I crush on almost all my friends for different reasons...though a few more than others ;)
- pretty :)
I've had sciatica for over 2 years. It comes and it goes. Lately it's been coming more than going. Yesterday the pain was off the charts and I actually took a day off. But today I went to the gym because right now the gym is like my own personal therapist. I worked out before I went to see my doctor because I was afraid…
Definitely go for it! I love spinning and went alone my first time. It's a great workout for any level. You can go as hard or as easy as you like. I agree with the above post. Go early so the instructor can help you set up your bike. That's very important. Bring a towel, because you are going to sweat - a lot! And…
Yes..we have mutual friends and she seems super cool :)
You are also a super great friend...and yes...that did jump to the next level quite quicky, lol! are beautiful and have a GREAT smile! @sissi...sorry missed are super pretty, too! :)
The One I Love... David Gray
You're awesome...and you deserve every're a great dad!
Not sure...
- :)
Denied :(
8 or 9...all look good!