angels03 Member


  • I am probably the last person to help~cause I am barely starting back up today, but I noticed you dont drink water? (or maybe you just dont log it)~and eat a lot of carbs. Try cutting some of the carbs, not all, and drinking more water~ Also couldnt help but notice the Wegmans foods!! I live in Los Angeles now, but I am…
    in UGHHHH Comment by angels03 October 2013
  • Hello everyone I just started back up on MFP this week ready to go full steam after I realized nothing fits me, and buying clothes I dont like with money I dont want to spend isnt going to help me reach my goals either. Looking to lose5 pounds by the end of the month..
  • Thank YOU!! This is exactly the group I need right now!! Needing motivation and this is perfect!! What kind of plans are you guys following?
    in Excited Comment by angels03 August 2012
  • I had a friend that did Paleo as well and looks and feels great. How do you get started? I I have looked at the website but still kind of confused.