Spiderkeys Member


  • I think for long-term maintaince weight, should really by for yourself, I mean if you were originally happy as you were, then it be horrible denying yourself foods, etc. No one cared or hardly ever commented when I was obeise, just only I cared, so myself was 100%, I do miss the days when I can enter a fast food outlet…
  • I've taught myself to hate bread, these days I no longer even buy it, knowing it's nothing but a dinner filler, with so little protein, you won't feel full for long after eating too much of that.
  • I'm good as estimating the amount of calories I've consumed, after eat meal, I then go to log, and always never far off, so technically, I think I can stop with the logging, but if I was to stop thinking what I ate, and just started eating mindlessl;y, well unfortunately I don't think that will work for me, even that I a…
  • Weight is a funny game, in 11 months of maintaining, I've learnt the number on the scale doesn't always tell you everything, weight fluctuates an even bigger range when you switch, mines can go up as high or low as 10 pounds either way.
  • In my experience, this is how I got obese, and I couldn't understand why I kept piling on pounds, I mean I only eat 1 meal a day, what's going on ?... Until I realised it was always a big meal and it was a night before bed, and an ate.an average of 5'000 calories per day. Worse time of the day to even go near food, and…
  • Wow it only took me a less than a week until the pain stopped completely, now almost 2 weeks later I just about I even forget I had the op. I think it was the medication that cause, now not only is weight back to normal, I even lost unintentionally more weight so now I lost 4 more pounds now weigh less behind I had the op,…
  • You have plenty to achieve, if not more, you are on a mission showing your body, who is boss, I kept my maintaince up for nearly 11 months now, sure the first 3 or 6 months felt unrewarding, but keep at it, forget your weight loss times, we forget the bad times how is was to lose weight, there was more than just the scale…
  • Not anymore, something I now see someone a little too skinny, (neck, shoulders, arms, etc) but standing on my side, things looks a bit different, my stomach hasn't been too kind to me during the journey, I developed a hernia (intestines sticking out thur your stomach muscle), but now it's fixed (surgery), now it's time to…
  • Actually it wasn't keyhole surgeory it was just a small incision, but obviously the latter was correct, most of the excess weight gain from just my tummy alone, that night I woke up hundreds of times to pass urine, so must of dropped over 8 pounds thur the night (didn't bothering weighing myself this morning though). Now…
  • So my odd stomach size can be just water weight? I havent measured it, but yeah, the only thing I can think of it, is stay far away from the scale for a while
  • Same thing happens to me, I'm outdoors a lot in a garage, until I can work no longer, my fingers and sometimes feet, begin to go so cold and thumb until I can't feel them anymore, but just have to go inside and soak them in warm water, then after a few minutes I'm back outside again with pins and needles of course.
  • Actually I hadn't touched any beers or alcholol in over 12 months, so tolerance, less body mass, and an empty stomach, all joined forces and obviously made me that way, still it's great, I'm not like those ppl that need to waste their money and drink all day to feel different, I no alcholic and I don't plan drinking any…
  • 2014 was my lose weight resolution, I achieve that in May, but sadly it's now 2015, I can't think of a resolution, I mean maintain is good, but how boring, maybe it's time Ill give up on my pepsi's and smokes.
  • I'm always cold including the summer, it's a rare occasion I can sit back in shorts & T-Shirt on a hot enough summer's day. All I know, I could either be fat and comfortable or thin and freezing, I'll have to pick thin, unfortunately some ppl just can't have it both ways.
  • It's summer atm here, I always loved summer, but so far this year, I found it disappointing, it's either a colder summer this year or it's just me, there only been a few days I can sit back in shorts and shirt, but my nightfall I'm back in heavy clothes with a beanie on again, I froze a lot in the winter, sometimes my…
  • sorry I forget to mention, I havent ate today either, still nothing like that has affected me much in the past, even after just 1 beer I couldn't go and drive anywhere, oh well, I plan to drink no more beers until next christmas...
  • I already had my first preview today, for lunch I gulped down 3 cakes, but not it's not as restrictive as a year ago though as I was in weight loss mode, maintaining you still got to be careful, but this year I can look forward to enjoying it a bit more.
  • Why would anyone want to weight 100kg, that classisifed as obese in any gender, height, or age, still it won't happened over night but it will happened, I jumped from 85kg to 125kg in just five years by eating 5000-6000 calories a day.
  • If I was to stop logging and decided to eat "normally", Ill be in big trouble, eating normally got me so big in the first place, but really I been loggin to over 15 months, now, I just log everything at the end of the day, if go over, no problem, I just eat less the next day, I just think it as a loan, and if I ated too…
  • Mine around 12 Hrs between 6pm till 12pm midday, I fast, I always have to skip breakfast because I can never get enough calories to spare anymore now I in maintance mode. But A bit of fruit or a handyful of nuts before bed has proved ok for me. But yeah Night time snacking is never a good idea, esciapply a huge meal before…
  • I do it everyday, no effect with my weight, what I do is just minus 200 calories off my 2,200 limit, that leaves me with 2,000 every day. If I "accidently" go over a bit. I don't need to worry. If you eating more than 200 calories over everyday, then well your eating habits are out of control.
  • I know what you mean there, I used to feel embrassed just catching the bus, just sitting down, I nearly took up two seats and I that means thats an extra person that has too stand, I could of been polite and just stand up myself, but no one will be able to get past me, as I always the size of two people instead of one, now…
  • I didn't keep too many photos of me when I was at my heaviest, cause I was too ashamed of my weight and always tried to avoid a camera, but it's not a photo that I need to be reminded, just go thur your drawers and find old pair of pants nearly forgotten about and lost, and then laughable, wow! did I really need clothes…
  • I had a lot of lose, I only started seeing results in just over 1 week, and I thought that long enough, obviously this why many diets fail, some expect results overnight, and then with the 'diets don't work" attitude.
  • for me, maintaining is about skipping meals, eat more one day, punish yourself the next day by eating less, weigh daily, watch your sodium levels, expect tough flucations in weight... Sounds harsh, but works for me, and I've been maintaining since April and haven't even gained back a pound.
  • Over 300 in only a week, is nothing, I accidentally go over my limit nearly everyday on and average of 200-300, I wouldn't like to add all that up for a week.
  • Highest 275lb (125kg) Lowest 147lb (67kg) Currently: 152lb (69kg) Maintenance just doesn't work, you either lose or you gain, there is no in-between.
  • Well, I actually just ate a lot more of the healthy foods I usually eat to get to 4,000, but yeah I have to slow down too, in 24hrs I only gained 1kg, I guess thats only the weight of the food I consumed and extra sodium levels, tommorow i'm planning on eat a lot of nuts, and this time drink non-diet soda. I prefer to…
  • For the first time i'm over a year, today I ate just over 4,000 calories! I havent eaten nearly as near this much in one in over 1 year, I was probably up to 2,000 by lunch time, I just ate until I couldn't eat anymore, I actually stopped feeling cold, and actually felt too hot for the first time in many many months, I ate…
  • Okay I didn't think of avoiding Diet Sodas, I been buying them and thinking nothing of them, I just revert almost to my old habits for a week or two, and maybe just keep eating and drinking and maybe stop logging for a while, and yes if I lose anymore i'm definately seeing a doctor. My plan now is to gain about 8kg, I have…