amyburkhart03 Member


  • Welcome to MFP! I am sorry to hear about your conditions, but I know you can do this! Good luck to you and feel free to friend me if you would like to keep in touch!
  • Welcome to MFP! I have been reading the Biggest Loser Family Cookbook lately and it has really changed the way I look at food. I am sure there is a copy at your local library if you want to check it out. I really like pizza and nachos and there are two recipes in that book that are daily staples for me. It makes me feel…
  • Hi Hannah! Welcome to MFP! This is the first time I have used the community message boards, but I just want to wish you good luck on this journey! So far, I haven't lost a ton of weight, but I am still really re-learning how to eat. Feel free to friend me if you want. I hope you find MFP as helpful as I have!! Cheers!!
  • I think it's absolutely necessary to give yourself a day off every once in a while. Since you love wine, I just read something from the biggest loser simple swaps book that you can make your wine a spritzer by having just half of your normal glass of wine and filling the rest of the glass with seltzer water. I hope this…
  • Good luck to you!! Please feel free to friend me if you want!!
    in new Comment by amyburkhart03 April 2011
  • Good luck in your journey! Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • Hi Kaya! It looks like you have a good plan in place! I give you so much credit just for trying to lose weight! It has been such a battle for me. Good luck! You can do this and don't forget to forgive yourself when you fail, and let yesterday be yesterday and today be today! Feel free to friend me if you want! :smile: