cassi_johan Member


  • How do you like the Fitbit? Is it worth the money? I like Striiv but it does suck the battery dry on my phone. I'm just not sure if I should have it going all day or just when I work out.
  • Which makes this all wayyyyy CONFUSING! I think my main objective is to get something that is going to track (calculate) all the calories I burn. I don't know if thats something I can get with a HRM or if Fitbit would be better. UGH!!!
  • I would really like to know if I should throw my money towards the Fitbit or if a HRM would work just the same?
  • So a heart rate monitor will tell me how many calories I burn? Sorry I sound so stupid you guys. I just want to make sure I'm doing all this right. I want to try the 30 Day Shred so I really want to be accurate.
  • Hmmm...what is an HRM? I was thinking about getting that Fitbit. Have you heard anything about those?
  • I'm not sure what sort of impact your looking for but I have found that some walking dvds help me change up my routine. I have one my Leslie Sanson that I really enjoy. Give something like that a try.
  • I would love to join this Journey with you. I'm also looking to lose 100lbs :)
  • I have been with MFP since Feb of 2011 and had success with it. I had lost 40lbs but have since lost my way and gained all by 9lbs back. So for the new year I've commited myself again. Hopefully I can hit my goal. I want to be happy again. Thanks so much for joining me on this journey. Sometimes I need people to vent to,…