

  • lol way to be completely rude and condescending. what's your interpretation of *~starvation mode~*? because your body goes into starvation mode when it's been deprived of food over an extended period of time and resorts to consuming vital tissues to stay alive. starvation mode happens when a person has already consumed all…
  • i'm just finishing up my 5th day of a water fast and so far so good. the third day was the most difficult in terms of hunger/cravings, but this fast is really helping me break my emotional dependence on food. as for health, fasting does not make your body shut down
  • I picked a weight that was proportionate to my height. I'm 5'4, my goal weight is 120 lbs
  • if you want to tone your lower half, you HAVE to get the original buns of steel with greg smithey!! the outfits are outdated and greg is kind of cheesy, but it is super effective
  • this is typical but i loveeee a grapefruit in the mornings. you can pair it with some toast and an egg
  • I'm open to new friends too, feel free to add me!