

  • :blushing: Yeah, I should have added abdominis in the title. The cobra pose made me think a bit and I believe that a spinal balance could also help strengthen my core and it's a bit more manageable than a plank. Thanks for the info and the link to the video. I'll concentrate a bit more on warm up and stretching before…
  • I luurve a smooth chest, but then I also like raking my fingers through some chest hair. Not talking full pelt, but something fuzzy never did anybody harm. The no-no for me is back hair.
  • With regards to over eating in the evenings: I find that I get the munchies when I watch TV and my hands are idle. Try something like crochet, knitting, scrap booking or darning socks to keep your hands busy at night. Type on your computer (start a blog or write a novel) or text a friend ... you can't text/type and eat…
  • Hey Tasada The skipping helped me shrink ... don't think it does much on it's own for losing weight. I put on good (fast) music and skip to the beat (speed jumping to music kicks your heart into over drive like THAT), ten to fifteen minutes a day. I concentrate on keeping my abs and butt flexed. I bet mountain biking gives…
  • Ahem *waves* also a newbie. Don't think we're at the same :-( sorry. I'm from Cape Town. Was about to do my introduction post when I saw this and just HAD to say hi. So ... :happy: