This is me ...

Hi everyone :wink:

I hate doing these introduction posts .. never know what to say exactly.

I'm 32, a single mom with two kids, work full-time and I can touch my toes. I joined MFP with good intentions to SERIOUSLY track my whirl wind eating habits in the hopes of getting them under control. I’m no stranger to healthy living. I know the basics – eat to exercise, not the other way around; water is our friend; sweat = good and slacking = bad; veggies trumps fruit and not everything stamped low-fat is good for you.

Currently my eating habits are a big blubbering mess. That would be my first priority .... to get myself into an eating routine. Up the water, cut the sugar and get back on the veggies, which (just so you know) I totally hate. I don't like veggies. Fruit, yes. Veggies, not so much.

I started Mauy Thai fitness training at the beginning of July and have a class twice a week. Yes, I cried for three days after my first class, but I love every sweating second of it. I am building up to start skipping rope at home. I've had a lot of success with skipping in the past.

I need motivation, and inspiration, and someone that can virtually smack me up the head when I slack off. I am determined to lose 10kg by December ... summer in the southern hemisphere and all that, but mostly I would like feel fit and healthy again.

That's it in a very small nutshell. Friends from all over welcome. The more people I'm accountable to, the better.


  • Tasada07
    Hi Crimson

    Ditto re 10kg by summer. I have about 7kg to go, not as much worried about the weight as I am about the flab but I have NO time whatsoever for gym :( I took to mountain biking once a week for about 4 hours and I have a stationary cycle bike which is extremely boring and I very quickly lose interest.

    You are going to start skipping again I see... I should do that too, Have 2 of them and have used it in the past but didnt see much results! Perhaps combined with the cycling it will make the difference :smile:

    Happy posting :)
  • LuvDarkChocolate
    LuvDarkChocolate Posts: 145 Member
    Hi everyone :wink:

    I hate doing these introduction posts .. never know what to say exactly.

    Yeah I know the's like we all gotta sit in a circle and have a group hug afterwards. Welcome to MFP
  • CarynMacD
    Nice to meet you Crimson.

    Well done on the skipping. I bought myself a rope but have not tried it out as yet....... I can just imagine one tangled mess :bigsmile:
  • CrimsonFlare
    Hey Tasada

    The skipping helped me shrink ... don't think it does much on it's own for losing weight. I put on good (fast) music and skip to the beat (speed jumping to music kicks your heart into over drive like THAT), ten to fifteen minutes a day. I concentrate on keeping my abs and butt flexed.
    I bet mountain biking gives you great legs!! I don't cycle. I tried it once, or twice, but it's just not me.
    Good luck with those last 7kg.


    *hugs* There, the support group experience is now complete. :laugh:
    Thanks for the welcome.


    Nice to meet YOU.
    Start off slowly, with the little double-bounce. You'll pick it up quickly. It's a great cardio ... and so cheap.

    I'm going to start on Monday. It seems like I'm finally getting my share of the flu this winter. blerg.
