Jenvincent2015 Member


  • Thanks for all the suggestions! Our house is pretty crazy in the morning...I have a 12 year old who is slower than molasses! LOL (aren't all 12 year old kids before school!?) So I am thinking if I put some stuff in the fridge that I can just grab, that should help. *fingers crossed. Thanks Everyone!!
  • Hello there, I lost my Dad to a heart attack at 59 years old due to his poor diet. Now here I am, my highest weight ever. BUT I am here to make a change! You can do this too! I can't believe how supportive this community has already been. Good luck on your journey!
  • I truly am humbled by the posts that you all have left. *tear. Thank you all for the well wishes, and for the private messages. I was just going through some of the recipes that have been posted. wow! I never knew there was so many delicious things out there! That could be be good for me AND taste good! Thank you…
  • Thank you all for your support! I am going to go home today and take measurements! I am feeling so confident, and after reading some of the blog posts here, I am feeling inspired! Wooohooooo :bigsmile: