Bad Cholesterol + Bad Family History = wake up!

coreydel Posts: 3 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I am 39 years old, I have a wife and three kids. Kind of on top of world right now, aside from the impending heart attack if I don't smaerten up.

I just got my cholesterol numbers from my recent fasting test...grrrrr

Total: 242
HDL: 35
Triglycerides: 185
LDL: 170

I've dieted in the past and had mild success and just put it all back on.

My father survived a serious heart attack just about a year ago, and his numbers were better than mine.

My doctor is telling me to lose 30 lbs, and fix my diet before we determine if I need medication and if so, how much.

I'd be thrilled if I could get there, and improve on these numbers. And I am dreading medication. I don't even like taking advil/tylenol.

I'm 5'-7" Tall
Starting weight 8/5/13 was 199 lbs just before I found MFP.
Today I'm at 189 lbs

Anyone who would like to add me as a friend, feel free. I could use some camaraderie and accountability.


  • Jenvincent2015
    Jenvincent2015 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello there,

    I lost my Dad to a heart attack at 59 years old due to his poor diet. Now here I am, my highest weight ever. BUT I am here to make a change! You can do this too! I can't believe how supportive this community has already been.

    Good luck on your journey!
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