

  • I actually asked if anyone had success with it not for opinions. I do eat a calorie deficit and do boot camp 4 times a week. The idea behind the hypoxi is to even my skin tone and reduce cellulite and improve circulation as an added extra to everything I am already doing. Appreciate people trying to help out and save me…
  • Thanks for that, a friend of mine has done it and had amazing results so was interested to see if anyone else had.
  • funny I thought MFP was for support and general motivation. Seems I was mistaken as 90% of the responses to my question were not helpful and more judgemental. If you don't have anything helpful to say why respond at all
  • It is not a magic pill or plastic surgery. It is a type of exercise program that is designed to reduce cellulite, promote weight loss and improve blood circulation. It is based around cycling and alternating pressures. Not very common in America.
  • Doritos are my biggest weakness, had a couple on the weekend cos it was my husbands birthday party, but only had a couple and usually devour a whole bag so little win. Moments of weakness are apart of life, its how we deal with them that dictates how it will effect our weight lose (-:
  • This challenge is already helping me to be accountable and not put crap into my body. Thanks to everyone that wants to participate. I have created a group for this challenge so we can all support and motivate each other easier. The group is called "8 Week Challenge Start 7th Oct" everyone wanting to participate is welcome…
  • Hi, I have 20-25kg to lose and would love to join this group if there is still space.