

  • It dose not defeat the purpose. This site builds a deficit into the amount of calories you eat every day. THAT is what allows you to lose weight. When you exercise, you need more calories just to keep your body operating. Exercising builds lean muscle mass that will allow you to burn more calories when you are at rest. I…
  • Without HRM, it will be veryhard to get an exact reading on how many calories you burned. I would suggest going to some other websites that have calculators for burned calories. Plug in your numbers and see what you get. These numbers likely won't be exact either, but at least you will get an idea of how close your…
  • They mean half your weight in ounces of water. 140/2 = 70 70 ounces = 8.75 cups of water Make more sense?
  • I had a look at your diary, and I think I might know a possible problem. I noticed that you add your exercise in, which is good, but you're not usually eating any of your exercise calories. Think of it like this. A person needs to have about 1200 calories a day coming into their body. When you exercise, it effectively cuts…
  • Here's what we do with it. When we bake it, we cut it in half, and clean out the strings and seeds. Then we put them cut side down on a baking sheet and add a little water around them. Bake at about 375 for around 45 mins. Then we turn them over and then broil for about 5 mins. It tends to come out a nice texture from that.
  • Hmmm... It almost sounds to me like you possibly set it up to gain weight rather than lose it. I'd go check your settings.
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