Using your calories

I am confused this website says to use your calories. I just talked to a personal trainer at the gym and she said that totally defeats the whole purpose of working out. I have lost 5 lbs and have 83 to go I want to do it right.


  • chameleonguy
    It dose not defeat the purpose. This site builds a deficit into the amount of calories you eat every day. THAT is what allows you to lose weight. When you exercise, you need more calories just to keep your body operating. Exercising builds lean muscle mass that will allow you to burn more calories when you are at rest.

    I hope that makes sense. If not, go to the following link.

    That explains all about why you should eat your exercise calories.
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Did your trainer understand that you're on a reduced calorie diet? Perhaps she thought you would be eating a normal 2000 cal diet and also eating your extra cals from exercise. If you're eating 1250 a day and earning some extra from exercise I think it's fine to use some or all of them.
  • MillieFicarra
    MillieFicarra Posts: 4 Member
    I've been very successful using my fitness pal in conjunction with working out with a trainer. We were told not to enter exercise in the tracker because the tracker would then adjust the total calorie intake upwards. We don't want to do that. Just go by the calories and the breakdown that you're allowed daily and you'll be successful. Also, don't pay any attention to the "If you eat like this every day you'll weigh ______ at the end of the week". Millie
  • PureAndHealthy
    I lost 85 pounds on weight watchers eating exercise calories (they called it activity points) 4 years ago and 25 pounds eating exercise calories, on MFP last year. I didn't force myself to eat if I didn't feel hungry. But if my body was asking for food and I had spare calories, I ate. Exercise increases the amount of calories your body needs... but if you want to crash diet and starve yourself, then sure you can not eat them or for that matter how about not eating anything? Anorexics DO get skinny! Personally, my focus is on health... and I would only use a trainer who had the same goal.