SnocoPower Member


  • Reading through these posts I can totally relate to the mental NOPE! But I've found a way around it, on the treadmill or outside. You have to think of something else, focus on something else besides how much you want to stop! I look at the numbers on the clock, give myself a mini-goal, like, "Ok just make it 15 more…
  • I don't believe in Calorie cycling. CICO. The end. I've got a lot to lose, and I haven't lost it yet because I've been wasting time believing stupid myths instead of doing what actually makes changes: moving more, and eating cleaner (more whole foods, less processed), and portioning things properly.
  • I was one of the suckers that fell for it years ago, and I mean I followed it to the T for about 3 months...all I lost was a lot of patience, and all I gained was acid reflux.
  • Name: Anna Age: 38 Height: 5'5" Start Weight: 226.0 (6/29) Goal Weight: 220.0 lbs (7/31) Weigh-ins: July 3th: July 10th: July 17th: July 24th: July 31st: Weight -/+ this week: Weight -/+ this month: Successes / struggles this week: Difficult month to kick off, recovering from a concussion and drastically limited in what…
  • I got serious about my fitness beginning of June, weighed myself and then petered out when I didn't see any progress on a SCALE in 2 weeks. What happened? I gained a little weight back because I wrongfully trusted a number to gauge my overall success. Never thought about the facts that: a) my "slim girl" pants fit really…
  • Today's beautiful behaviors: 1) started the day on time, 2) healthy breakfast AND lunch, 3) went to a counseling session to make sure my head is still screwed on straight!! :) I've made a 5 week plan, and calendar reminders weekly to check in. I have only 5 rules, and number 1 is to track on MFP daily. the others: no fast…
  • Thinking about buying a house, but the market is going up and it's not the greatest time...meanwhile, I pay $1300 in rent for a house....when I could be paying less than $500 on the mortgage for that same house....that just got listed for sale this week!!!! (love the property)
  • I'll jump in on this! I have about 60 to lose, bad right hip and knee, healing from a concussion so restricted due to crazy headaches, but thankfully, they put me on a medicine called Gabapentin, which surprisingly has helped out my anxiety and depression as a glorious side effect to kicking the headaches!! STRONGLY…
  • Hello Everyone! My name is Anna, I'm just now getting involved with the FitnessPal community...feel like this might be what I need. I've just gotten serious about getting in shape this past week after my 91 year old Grandma fell and broke her hip, has osteopororsis and had it replaced. She's a pistol and is already out of…
  • I drove by McDonalds and chose Subway tuna loaded with veggies for lunch instead.
  • Michigander here as well!! YAY! How's everyone liking this great February weather?? :) I just started back up, my goal says 1620 calories to lose 1lb a week, and so far it's true!
  • I have a Mountain-Treeing Feist. They are such a quirky and awesome breed!!! so smart, so agile, and a great temperment. Small game-hunters. Most people have never even heard of them, though they've been in America even back to the days of George Washington, when it was spelled "Fyce". <---- Ellie Mae :)
  • I've never heard of the DNA diet, but I am a believer of the Blood type diet. After dealing with digestive issues for many years and no resolution/diagnosis, I tried something different and switched to the blood type "beneficial" and neutral foods...and avoiding the foods that are bad for my blood type. Since then, I've…
  • I am with you on "Literally". It is often mis-used, I guess people forgot about the word "virtually"...or don't think it sounds as extreme.
  • HI Hindengodders and all to follow! I also am healing up after medical issues, and ready to get back to fitness! I did a purge of my kitchen last week and got all the unhealthy stuff out, and stocked up on good stuff today. Right out the door, I baked the whole package of chicken breasts (4 huge ones), with just a little…
  • Hey there! As a matter of fact, I just got it in the mail! Can't start exercising until next week (post-op healing), but am gonna.....NAIL IT!! I want that Tee-shirt!!! :tongue: