

  • Now that you are out of the hospital scene, things will look up for you.Hope all is well with your son. Hopefully, 20 pounds is all you have to worry about. I'm sure this site and the people with ideas will help you out. I didn't have to spend 3 months in the hospital, but I had brain surgery a year and a half ago and was…
    in Hi Comment by better4you February 2011
  • Sounds like your friend is relying on too many prepared-type foods, which are generally full of sodium, starches, and sugars. And BEER, hello :) too many empty calories to be dieting on. If she has to have about trying12 oz. maximum. Do away with the cheese unless using a cheese stick for a quick protein snack.…
  • I agree with the idea that "other personal stuff--not health related" not be on this site. Maybe re-reading the forum rules #4 will bring this back into place. It states that the forums are here to help support one another, and I believe we are here for weight/ exercise/health issues. Hope all goes well!!!
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