
  • I feel your pain. I have horrible PMS symptoms. I was diagnosed with PMDD not too long ago, but I have to say that I think it's diminishing somewhat (I'm 49, still having regular periods, but probably something is changing with my hormones at this age.) Maybe I'm just getting used to it or getting better at dealing with…
  • Wow! I love all these responses. What a great perspective you all have! My reactions are as follows: 1. Yes I am way too fixated on the number on the scale. 2. I know the normal range of healthy weight for my height is pretty wide, but I also know that I am really not comfortable in my body at the higher end of that range.…
  • I don't take any prescriptions. I have started taking a refrigerated probiotic, a digestive enzyme and some powdered magnesium citrate for the bowel problems. I still have periods regularly and they are still normal. But isn't gaining half a pound every single day ridiculous under any circumstances?
  • I am 49, 5' 2" tall. My weight as of this morning is 128 and it should be around 115 - 120. 120 is probably more realistic. I weigh and measure most of my food. When I eat elsewhere, it's harder to do, but I do try to get a really good estimate using those tricks like 3 ounces of meat is equal to a deck of playing cards,…
  • Black licorice. That's a weird one, I know, since so many people hate licorice! I shouldn't have coffee ice cream in the house, either, but since I started this plan, I'm actually measuring my 1/2 cup serving and not having it every day, so maybe I can manage that one.
  • Thank you for the encouragement. My biggest obstacle is PMDD. I actually do very well with conscious eating and portion management for 2 -3 weeks of the month. Then I get PMDD symptoms and overeat by about 800 calories a day. I gain anything I've lost and then some. This is the main reason the scale keeps creeping up. One…