Irek_Wawa Member


  • Hi everybody:) For me last weeks are going quite well, losing weight according to plan. I just stick to low carbs, moderate protein diet and watch my calorie balance to be -7000 per week (not necessarily -1000 daily). I've readjusted my training schedule so i don't have to train every day (4 trainings +2 days running). Of…
  • It has started today, so unfortunately you've just missed it :(
  • For the second part of our steps challenge register via the link below: It starts immidiately after our first one ends (5th / 6th May).
  • Hard to tell - your diary is closed. Two things I can think of right now: - if you're on low carb diet, try carb loading every 5 or 7 days to restore leptin levels - if you've recently started new workout routine you can expect to store some extra water weight for 2-3 weeks (natural reaction of organism for new, intense…
  • Hm, for me last week was typical, or even boring.I didn't struggle with anything, i guess i got used to this way of eating / working out / logging everything. My next goal is incorporating more variety (not amount) of vegetables to my diet. And maybe eating little less popcorn (probably last clearly unhealthy food i eat on…
  • Hello Pink Ladies;) I don't feel like writing an essay, so few facts from me: - it's my third consecutive weight challenge - previous two proven to be quite succesfull and i hope this one will be as well - my goal (not sure how will it go) is to lose all overweight kilograms (8), maybe more - my routine is min 10k steps a…
  • Top 5 after 1st day - keep up great work! I receive a lot of messages from people who didn't join, so i'll write it once again - there is no way to add you now. The competition will get renewed after 31 days and then you will be able to participate.
  • Today and tomorrow are relative things as competitors may be from different time zones;) But it definately starts on 05.04.
  • The list of participants is now closed, as our challenge starts tomorrow (05.04). However, it will be renewed (restarted) after 31 days (longest available on matchup), so it will be possible to join then.
  • UPDATE: List of properly registered users is below, if someone doesn't see himself / herself here it means something went wrong - plz contact me:
  • IMPORTANT UPDATE: To make it easier for all of us, register with the link below, follow intructions and you will be set to go. Register with your MFP name please and write in this thread that you've registered, so i know who to accept:)
  • You should get similiar invitation: And register by clicking "accept" and filling registration form. To others willing to join: I need your e-mail adress to invite you - to not make it public I propose you send it to my by PM here on MFP.
  • Hello everybody, i'm lookingo forward to losing weigt with you. I've already lost little above 24kg and have about 14 kg more to go. Hopefully it'll happen during this challenge. GL to everyone participating :-)
  • Witam wszystkich :) Powodzenia w osiąganiu / utrzymywaniu dobrej formy ;-)