

  • How would I know if I was sticking my tummy out? How do I fix that? When I do ab workouts at the gym I feel really tight afterwards but it doesn't last too long. Should my goal be to get to a point where my tummy always feels that tight?
  • Thank you!
  • Thanks. How would I determine whether or not it's loose skin or just the remaining fat my body is still storing?
  • Hi, I like beer too. Unfortunately, I don't have any tips. Much like astronomicals said I have had to cut back to once a week in order to see progress and stay on track. I have no scientific evidence to back this up but I don't observe the same bloated status of my tummy when I indulge with hard a rather than beer. Maybe…
  • I'm so sorry to hear that your efforts to be healthy are invalidated by someone who you would hope might always be your biggest advocate and cheerleader. It's a difficult journey to begin with and I'm sure it's not easy without your partner's support. I have included a link to a wonderful blog I follow. It has changed my…
  • You're the second person who told me that not eating after five is pointless and stupid. Thank you. :) A seemingly reliable website tells me that my BMR is approx. 1325. I had no idea how much I was doing wrong. Thanks for your suggestions. Glad I joined MFP. This undertaking could have made a cranky, hungry woman out of…
  • It's not nice!!! 've been camping out around between 700-900 a day. Today I joined MFP and it is telling me I need to eat 1200 calories a day which confuses me haha Maybe it's helpful? Is that a normal response to intense physical activity? :)
  • Thanks for your suggestion. I know self-diagnosing via internet research isn't advisable but what you mentioned about low blood sugar seems fitting. I have been exercising hard probably without enough in my tummy and what I'm feeling fits the description of mild hypoglycemia. Gah! Finding the right the balance is tricky.