

  • Bahahahaha!!! Kerry, I love you girlie :] We can do this together FOR SURE!! We are strong *kitten* *****es :] And definitely let me know about those cinnamon pills!! Love love love ya!!
  • Thanks guys!! Prices don't sound too bad! I'll have to check out Best Buy tomorrow!
  • I'm new to MFP as well and would love to be friends!! I too have a weight loss goal of 20 pounds!! Let's do this!
  • Thank you!!
  • Thank you! And tell your husband I said Thank You to him as well :smile: I figure with my husband being a way, it is as good as time as any to focus on making me a better me!!! Good luck to you as well on your weight loss venture, and congrats on the new baby! I may be a new Army wife, but I've been involved in an Army…
  • I hate working out but LOVE Zumba!!! It's such an awesome way to get in a workout!! You don't even realize you're doing your body good, because you are too busy having a good time! I hope to one day become a Zumba instructor, but I need to work on my booty shake first ::wink:
    in Zumba Comment by mookieg February 2011
  • I'm a low carb-er! Carbs are the devil (at least for my body)!! I even think about a piece of bread and I gain 3 pounds (ugh)!!! Stay strong ladies!!!
  • I DESPISE cottage cheese, but normally I eat one of those Breakstone's Cottage Cheese Doubles (100 calories)! The blueberry one is my favorite of all the flavors (pineapple, strawberry, blueberry, or peach)! It reminds me of when I used to eat cream cheese and jelly sandwiches as a kid :tongue: But today I had 1/4 of a cup…