What's for breakfast?



  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    I know it's important to eat a good breakfast in the morning, but I have to go to class right after eating breakfast, so I don't like to have a really full stomach and then just sit for a few hours.

    I generally eat 2 pieces of light toast and some tea and/or grapes. I eat better "energy food" at lunch during my break.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    - hard boiled egg whites dipped in grey poupon mustard (tastes kinda like a deviled egg)
    - greek yogurt with strawberry preserves or agave nectar or almond butter
    - cottage cheese with preserves or a banana mashed in or mashed pumpkin or almond butter
    - smoked salmon pinwheels stuffed with cream cheese
    - egg white omelette w/ cheddar or goat cheese
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    1/2 cup of oatmeal, coffee, and a banana
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    if i am going to be home (i am a SAHM, so i am home most mornings) i have a cup of coffee w a small splash of skim milk and either sugar, honey or agave nectar along with a container of GREEK yogurt (blueberry is a fav of mine, though i havent found one i don't like) with 1/2 cup Kashi Go Lean Crunch! mixed in. ... later i will eat a 2nd breakfast of some sort... 2nd coffee, and either a piece of fruit or a small (140 cal or less) bagel toasted w 1 Tbsp natural peanut butter spread over it.... I eat about 6 or 7 times a day.... a true grazer.

    On days i will be out all morning and will, most likely be eating a late lunch, i like a coffee and a smoothie:
    8 oz skim milk
    1/2 frozen banana
    2 Tbsp plain or vanilla greek yogurt (dependind on what i have on hand)
    1 Tbsp natural peanut butter
    1 scoop whey protein powder (either chocolate or vanilla)

    blend until the banana is fully incorporated. Its delicious and thick like a milkshake and has tons of protein, so really fills me up.... Its a killer for calories though, so i reserve it for either days i won't be eating other things until after my typical lunch time or if i have a higher than usual calorie burn that day.
  • mookieg
    I DESPISE cottage cheese, but normally I eat one of those Breakstone's Cottage Cheese Doubles (100 calories)! The blueberry one is my favorite of all the flavors (pineapple, strawberry, blueberry, or peach)! It reminds me of when I used to eat cream cheese and jelly sandwiches as a kid :tongue:
    But today I had 1/4 of a cup (uncooked) Steel cut Irish Oats with a few raisins and a bit of honey. It was definitely filling and oh so yummy...but I felt incredibly guilty for the HUGE carb consumption (which I try to stay clear of)!! Hope it doesn't backfire!!! Also, if I am on the run or too lazy to get up and grab my breakfast, I will stop by Dunkin and grab a bacon, egg, and cheese on an english muffin (and ditch the english muffin)! Of course all of these dishes are accompanied by a very nice piping hot cup of black coffee :wink:
  • delilah514
    delilah514 Posts: 126 Member
    I had oatmeal & 1/2 a grapefruit this morning. I vary it day to day. Sometimes a bowl of cereal or a veggie omelet or an egg muffin sandwich or a breakfast burrito. The list goes on and on. Breakfast food is my favorite kind of food so I like to mix it up and try different things :)
  • Momtotwo
    Momtotwo Posts: 13 Member
    great ideas!
  • julesandrich
    julesandrich Posts: 188 Member
    My diary is public so feel free to have a look. My breakfast depends on my schedule-if I work out really hard in the morning (spin class) I will have a heartier breakfast, if I am just going into work, I will usually have bran flakes, skim milk and berries or yogurt and berries (maybe granola). On the weekends I try to be a little more creative: frittata, steel cut oatmeal, etc.

    I try to incorporate a variety of foods because when I find myself tired of what I am eating, I typically binge. :grumble:
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    Post workout - 2x a week :)
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    this morning i was in a hurry out the door, so it was an apple and some peanut butter, and a glass of skim milk
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,278 Member
    Today I made a 2 egg omelet with a sprinkling of feta cheese, sliced grape tomatoes and fresh baby spinach. I sprinkled some red pepper flakes and a little salt and pepper on the inside while cooking. On the side, I had Beefsteaks Soft Light Rye bread toasted (1 piece) with a little butter. The rye bread I eat is 2 slices for 1 carb serving, about 65 calories for one piece and 130 for 2. It was a delicious breakfast!