

  • Do you have a microwave? The freezer section in the grocery store has lots of microwaveable meals that are alot healtheir than the usual prepackaged crap. I love green Giant Terriyaki Vegetables, I turned my cuz and her fiance (who are in UNI as well) onto them and they eat them all the time now. I'm a vegetarian, and…
  • I have not read or heard about it. Why is it so good tho? Tips, recipes?? Glad ur enjoying it..
  • I can definitely relate! I have 3 kids as well, and my youngest is 9 months. I lost the weight much quicker with my older 2...but now have about 20 pounds more to go with this one. Ugh! They definitely suck the life out of you! lol! How do we add each other on as friends here? I could use some motivation as well! I…