

  • Insanity is already sold out :(
  • You'll have to let me know how it goes! I've been trying to decide which one to get next myself!
  • Awesome! The only thing I forgot to mention before is don't be afraid to repeat weeks! I'm training with a friend right now who is less of a runner than I am, and we repeated week 2 for almost 3 weeks before we both felt ready to move on. When I did my 5K last year, I think I got to Week 5. (Our goal this year is to at…
  • You'll love it! Like someone else said above, they're actually kind of addicting. I did my first 5K last September and almost immediately signed up for another one this year. It took me about 42 minutes. I passed people walking when I ran and people passed me when I was walking. Just do whatever feels best for you :) I'm…
  • I personally love them, but I didn't at first. At the start of Jan, I decided I was going to start working out in the morning to make sure I got my workout in. I started Rockin Body because I knew there was no way I was going to make it to the gym and back or run in the middle of winter. It sucked, straight up. I was…
  • Definitely Turbo Fire! I did Rockin Body as a warmup before starting TF and I can say that while I've done both, I really, really love TF. As other people have said, it's also far more intense than RB.
  • Damn, girl, you are looking goooooooooooood! Look at all that hard work paying off :bigsmile:
  • That sounds pretty accurate to me. As other people have mentioned, it does kind of double count your calories, since it also counts the calories you burn just for existing. But to give you an idea I'm 5'4" and 179 and I usually burn about 300 cals during a RI30 workout or 450-700 depending on the Turbo Fire workout. Also,…
  • I had a friend who was very into anime in high school and our freshman year she gave me the name BaraRei for our online gaming community. Its unique so I've been using it ever since. Supposedly it means Rose Spirit, but I actually have never checked. Anyone know?
  • I'm a newbie too, I'm in the middle of my second week right now! I haven't seen much in the way of results yet, but my boyfriend's sister lost 40 pounds just with TF and healthy eating since last year. I'm hoping for the same results! Add me and we can encourage each other to keep it up! Also, I'd love to know what you end…
  • <--- Harry Potter loving, Game of Thrones reading, project manager for web and mobile apps currently playing through Deus Ex on the PS2 for the hell of it. Other credentials include acting in musicals, liking to write short fiction, and being a huge fan of really bad puns. Anyone who wants to feel free to add me! Just let…
  • I would love to join as well! I'm on Day 3 right now.
  • I would go with lightly active or even just regular active. Since you spend so much time walking, you are NOT sedentary. Honestly, almost no one is. Bump it up to lightly active and see what happens after 4 weeks and go from there.
  • Ahhhhhh! Can't wait for the GOW prequel!!!!
  • I'm back for the second time myself. Let's support each other!
  • Feel free to add me as well! (That goes for anyone!)
  • ^^This! I've always had big thighs, even when I was 125 pounds. It's just kinda how I'm built. But! I do have a great hourglass figure and an awesome *kitten* because of them. So I've learned to rock them instead :drinker:
  • You look amazing! As a 5'4" woman looking to lose about 40-45 pounds all told, you just gave me the boost I needed for the day :) I can't wait to look as good as you do in a dress again!
  • I have an FT7 and I would say no, go with what your HRM tells you. I've used mine for several different activities (running, water aerobics, stationary bike, elliptical) and it hasn't steered me wrong yet. In fact, it often matches up close to what the MFP database says I would be burning. The higher your heart rate, the…
  • Beethoven's Last Night was hands down one of the best shows I have ever been to in my life :D
  • This is what I do as well. I know that I like to eat more at night and to have a big dinner so I usually only eat about half my calories during the day and save the rest for after I get off work. That way I can eat 500 cals for dinner and 200 after in snacks (I like 100 cal bags of things like popcorn, cookies or Weight…
  • I wouldn't say you're necessarily doing anything wrong. I'm a 5'4" woman who honestly can't fit into many of the knee or thigh high boots because my calves are too big and never have been able to even when I weighed 50 pounds less than I do now. If I flex my calves, they're all muscle. People are made tons of different…
  • I have a Polar FT7 that I got on Amazon for about 70 bucks in August. It has become my new best friend. It even works in water without having to buy a different strap! Best investment I've made in my health in a long time.
  • I've had horrible binge eating problems in the past. Think buying and eating entire pints of ice cream and then throwing away the container in the outside trash can so my boyfriend wouldn't know when he got home from work. Shoving food in my face in front of the fridge. Eating until I feel like I'm going to puke. That kind…
  • Feel free to add me! I've been here since June, but I could always use more people to help keep me accountable as well!
  • Add me if you like! I'm 24, about 40 pounds to lose and this is the first time I'm really being serious about it so I'd love to have some buddies to keep me on track!
  • I'm on Week 5 and I can say for certain that not only is it fine for you to repeat weeks, but that not everyone blows through it. I made it through Week 1 just fine, probably because I had just completed the 30 Day Shred, but after that, ugh. It sucked. Here are some things that helped me: -Sign up for a 5K. I did this at…
  • It means Non Scale Victory.
  • Stay away from the salad! It seems like it should be the healthiest thing there, but they douse it in so much oily salad dressing that it's actually close to 300 cals a bowl. Either ask for the dressing on the side or skip the salad entirely.