mif2jc Member


  • I totally agree with you that sugar cannot ever be removed from a diet. However, there are better choices to be made for health. Choosing the sugars and other carbs that occur naturally in foods are a better choice than processed foods. Maybe/ Maybe not addiction, but I will never forget the detox I went through as I was…
  • Fruit and vegetables are always better because of the micronutrient content. I never said I have conquered my addiction just helped curb the white sugar cravings through better nutrition.
  • Which is better to put into your body, fruit and vegetables or candy bars and white sugar?
  • http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mark-hyman/sugar-addiction_b_819113.html
  • When I quit sugar cold turkey, I had a detox response. Headaches, Tremors, it was horrible. I find that if I include more fruits and vegetables in my diet I have less cravings for sugar. I never realized that I was a sugar addict until I quit.
  • Mix your pudding in the blender and through in some tofu to help it to set up.
  • I've seen a few people talk about being concerned about getting enough protein. It really is a myth that you need to have dairy to get enough protein. http://vegnews.com/articles/page.do?catId=7&pageId=4753
  • I highly recommend "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman. He has many cases of diabetes reversal on his plan.
  • Are you familiar with Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat to Live"? From your post it may be something you would be interested in.
  • You didn't gain the weight overnight, you shouldn't expect to lose it overnight either. Take each day as it comes. I have had success with Joel Fuhrman, MD "Eat to Live" and "Eat for Health" It's a primarily vegetarian diet, but the results come fast if you follow it.
  • I too love spaghetti squash! I didn't know it was a menu option at Ruby Tuesday, will have to try it there. Cooking it at home is super easy, and it also goes great with cream sauces like Alfredo.