I totally agree with you that sugar cannot ever be removed from a diet. However, there are better choices to be made for health. Choosing the sugars and other carbs that occur naturally in foods are a better choice than processed foods. Maybe/ Maybe not addiction, but I will never forget the detox I went through as I was…
Fruit and vegetables are always better because of the micronutrient content. I never said I have conquered my addiction just helped curb the white sugar cravings through better nutrition.
Which is better to put into your body, fruit and vegetables or candy bars and white sugar?
When I quit sugar cold turkey, I had a detox response. Headaches, Tremors, it was horrible. I find that if I include more fruits and vegetables in my diet I have less cravings for sugar. I never realized that I was a sugar addict until I quit.
Mix your pudding in the blender and through in some tofu to help it to set up.
I've seen a few people talk about being concerned about getting enough protein. It really is a myth that you need to have dairy to get enough protein.
I highly recommend "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman. He has many cases of diabetes reversal on his plan.
Are you familiar with Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat to Live"? From your post it may be something you would be interested in.
You didn't gain the weight overnight, you shouldn't expect to lose it overnight either. Take each day as it comes. I have had success with Joel Fuhrman, MD "Eat to Live" and "Eat for Health" It's a primarily vegetarian diet, but the results come fast if you follow it.
I too love spaghetti squash! I didn't know it was a menu option at Ruby Tuesday, will have to try it there. Cooking it at home is super easy, and it also goes great with cream sauces like Alfredo.