How do i have my 5 a day but keep sugars down?



  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    well my diabetes bloods were up last week and ive been given the option to try to reverse it.. i should know more tomorrow in the meantime im just trying to keep my sugar as low as possible :)

    Eat low glycemic fruits

    Green apples instead of red apples

    Green grapes instead of red grapes

    Berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries) are one of the lowest fruits on the GI

    ETA: I have insulin resistance and hypoglycemia and therefore have to watch my sugar intake
  • mif2jc
    mif2jc Posts: 11 Member
    I highly recommend "Eat to Live" by Joel Fuhrman. He has many cases of diabetes reversal on his plan.
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    Thanks for all your replies.. This is all new to me, its really confusing the hell out of me lol I am taking it all in though and following links thanks.

    i didnt have diabetes, i dont know how bad it is yet but i had my bloods taken last week routine check up and they all came back high, they said i could reverse the diabetes and nothing else just more blood tests.

    i have been exercising but not regular recently due to a back injury,(bloody back is gonna be the death of me at this rate, thats how i ended up gaining weight ) im just getting back into it.. with walking and yoga. Been refered to physio too now.

    If you are pre diabetic then yes you can reverse it by your diet and exercise. Walk at least 30 min a day can help a lot. BUT if your are DIABETIC, you are Diabetic. There is NO reverse. There is only control. And control comes in all sorts of stages.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Thanks for all your replies.. This is all new to me, its really confusing the hell out of me lol I am taking it all in though and following links thanks.

    i didnt have diabetes, i dont know how bad it is yet but i had my bloods taken last week routine check up and they all came back high, they said i could reverse the diabetes and nothing else just more blood tests.

    i have been exercising but not regular recently due to a back injury,(bloody back is gonna be the death of me at this rate, thats how i ended up gaining weight ) im just getting back into it.. with walking and yoga. Been refered to physio too now.

    If you are pre diabetic then yes you can reverse it by your diet and exercise. Walk at least 30 min a day can help a lot. BUT if your are DIABETIC, you are Diabetic. There is NO reverse. There is only control. And control comes in all sorts of stages.

    You are incorrect.

    Type 1 diabetes cannot be reversed.

    Type 2 diabetes can absolutely be reversed.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Thanks for all your replies.. This is all new to me, its really confusing the hell out of me lol I am taking it all in though and following links thanks.

    i didnt have diabetes, i dont know how bad it is yet but i had my bloods taken last week routine check up and they all came back high, they said i could reverse the diabetes and nothing else just more blood tests.

    i have been exercising but not regular recently due to a back injury,(bloody back is gonna be the death of me at this rate, thats how i ended up gaining weight ) im just getting back into it.. with walking and yoga. Been refered to physio too now.

    If you are pre diabetic then yes you can reverse it by your diet and exercise. Walk at least 30 min a day can help a lot. BUT if your are DIABETIC, you are Diabetic. There is NO reverse. There is only control. And control comes in all sorts of stages.

    You are incorrect.

    Type 1 diabetes cannot be reversed.

    Type 2 diabetes can absolutely be reversed.

    Actually no Type 2 can NOT be cured/reversed in the sense you will no longer have it.... Once you are Diabetic, then you are a Diabetic for life, you can reverse the effects of the disease and prolong the progression of the symptoms and the disease itself but you can never just simple get rid of it....
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    If you're diabetic then talk to your doctor.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Actually no Type 2 can NOT be cured/reversed in the sense you will no longer have it.

    The definition of T2D seems to rely on various parameters for HbA1C, fasting blood glucose, OGTT etc. If you fall below those values then you don't have the condition, by definition, surely ?
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Actually no Type 2 can NOT be cured/reversed in the sense you will no longer have it.

    The definition of T2D seems to rely on various parameters for HbA1C, fasting blood glucose, OGTT etc. If you fall below those values then you don't have the condition, by definition, surely ?

    I am Type 2 diabetic diagnosed in 2009 with A1c over 10.0 since then I have worked with my Endo dr. and dietician to lose over 300 lbs. am now only on Metformin and am running A1c the last 2 years of 5.3..... I go in for blood work every 3 months and still do BS checks randomly once daily before and after one of my meals... I will remain on this regimen for the rest of my life (per my Endo dr.) if I don't stay on top of things then my Diabetes can and will rear its ugly head and the complication that come with that will entail...... I have a Class A CDL and am required by law to carry a medical card and must get yearly check up to maintain it do to the fact I am Diabetic. So Unless I have been major misinformed since contracting this disease then I am Diabetic and always will be..............
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Thanks for all your replies.. This is all new to me, its really confusing the hell out of me lol I am taking it all in though and following links thanks.

    i didnt have diabetes, i dont know how bad it is yet but i had my bloods taken last week routine check up and they all came back high, they said i could reverse the diabetes and nothing else just more blood tests.

    i have been exercising but not regular recently due to a back injury,(bloody back is gonna be the death of me at this rate, thats how i ended up gaining weight ) im just getting back into it.. with walking and yoga. Been refered to physio too now.

    If you are pre diabetic then yes you can reverse it by your diet and exercise. Walk at least 30 min a day can help a lot. BUT if your are DIABETIC, you are Diabetic. There is NO reverse. There is only control. And control comes in all sorts of stages.

    You are incorrect.

    Type 1 diabetes cannot be reversed.

    Type 2 diabetes can absolutely be reversed.

    Actually no Type 2 can NOT be cured/reversed in the sense you will no longer have it.... Once you are Diabetic, then you are a Diabetic for life, you can reverse the effects of the disease and prolong the progression of the symptoms and the disease itself but you can never just simple get rid of it....

    That's not true.

    Type 2 diabetes can go into remission (no signs or symptoms).

    A risk a relapse remains high, of course, that is why weight control, exercise and diet need to be rigid.

    There are two kinds of remission:

    1) "Complete remission" is 1 year or more of normal A1c and fasting glucose levels without using diabetes medication.

    2) "Prolonged remission" is 5 years or more of normal A1c and blood sugar levels without using diabetes medication.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I agree with the eating a lot of veggies. And see which fruits have lower sugar on the glycemic index.

    Here's a site to look at: I think strawberries are good as well.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Thanks for all your replies.. This is all new to me, its really confusing the hell out of me lol I am taking it all in though and following links thanks.

    i didnt have diabetes, i dont know how bad it is yet but i had my bloods taken last week routine check up and they all came back high, they said i could reverse the diabetes and nothing else just more blood tests.

    i have been exercising but not regular recently due to a back injury,(bloody back is gonna be the death of me at this rate, thats how i ended up gaining weight ) im just getting back into it.. with walking and yoga. Been refered to physio too now.

    If you are pre diabetic then yes you can reverse it by your diet and exercise. Walk at least 30 min a day can help a lot. BUT if your are DIABETIC, you are Diabetic. There is NO reverse. There is only control. And control comes in all sorts of stages.

    You are incorrect.

    Type 1 diabetes cannot be reversed.

    Type 2 diabetes can absolutely be reversed.

    Actually no Type 2 can NOT be cured/reversed in the sense you will no longer have it.... Once you are Diabetic, then you are a Diabetic for life, you can reverse the effects of the disease and prolong the progression of the symptoms and the disease itself but you can never just simple get rid of it....

    That's not true.

    Type 2 diabetes can go into remission (no signs or symptoms).

    A risk a relapse remains high, of course, that is why weight control, exercise and diet need to be rigid.

    There are two kinds of remission:

    1) "Complete remission" is 1 year or more of normal A1c and fasting glucose levels without using diabetes medication.

    2) "Prolonged remission" is 5 years or more of normal A1c and blood sugar levels without using diabetes medication.

    Remission doesn't mean you are cured...... It simple means you have been able to control the disease if at anytime you fail to continue to do the things you had been doing to reverse the affects then it will return..... When a person become a full blown diabetic they have burnt up more than half of the receptors that control insulin regulation in their body, the goal at that point is to reverse the effects of the disease to gain control and protect the remaining receptor you have left, for without them, eventually you will have to regulate through insulin injections. There is no cure for Diabetes period.......
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Thanks for all your replies.. This is all new to me, its really confusing the hell out of me lol I am taking it all in though and following links thanks.

    i didnt have diabetes, i dont know how bad it is yet but i had my bloods taken last week routine check up and they all came back high, they said i could reverse the diabetes and nothing else just more blood tests.

    i have been exercising but not regular recently due to a back injury,(bloody back is gonna be the death of me at this rate, thats how i ended up gaining weight ) im just getting back into it.. with walking and yoga. Been refered to physio too now.

    If you are pre diabetic then yes you can reverse it by your diet and exercise. Walk at least 30 min a day can help a lot. BUT if your are DIABETIC, you are Diabetic. There is NO reverse. There is only control. And control comes in all sorts of stages.

    You are incorrect.

    Type 1 diabetes cannot be reversed.

    Type 2 diabetes can absolutely be reversed.

    Actually no Type 2 can NOT be cured/reversed in the sense you will no longer have it.... Once you are Diabetic, then you are a Diabetic for life, you can reverse the effects of the disease and prolong the progression of the symptoms and the disease itself but you can never just simple get rid of it....

    That's not true.

    Type 2 diabetes can go into remission (no signs or symptoms).

    A risk a relapse remains high, of course, that is why weight control, exercise and diet need to be rigid.

    There are two kinds of remission:

    1) "Complete remission" is 1 year or more of normal A1c and fasting glucose levels without using diabetes medication.

    2) "Prolonged remission" is 5 years or more of normal A1c and blood sugar levels without using diabetes medication.

    Remission doesn't mean you are cured...... It simple means you have been able to control the disease if at anytime you fail to continue to do the things you had been doing to reverse the affects then it will return..... When a person become a full blown diabetic they have burnt up more than half of the receptors that control insulin regulation in their body, the goal at that point is to reverse the effects of the disease to gain control and protect the remaining receptor you have left, for without them, eventually you will have to regulate through insulin injections. There is no cure for Diabetes period.......

    I never said there was a cure. I was in nursing school. I have studied this inside and out.

    I also have insulin resistance and hypoglycemia so I know from personal experience.