anahdz1306 Member


  • 5'4 current weight is 148. Goal weight is 135
  • Thank you all. Just yesterday I took my daughter to the dentist and she also told me to start weaning so I'm kinda stuck because I wanted to let her self wean. I might just wait til she's 2 in the mean time I'd like drop a feeding or two, maybe like preparing her for when she really has to stop
  • I've also tried different brands of bottles and none had worked. I was told to put mustard on my breast and I guess my baby likes mustard. :(
  • I'm crazy about smoothies. You can add spinach Kale flaxseed brewers yeast oatmeal whatever super delicious. And easy to carry. My advice would be use just a little brewers yeast or else you'll feel like your drinking some kind of smoothie beer. If you decide to try a smoothie use a good amount of fruit to cover up the…
  • Thank you ladies! I've actually let my baby sleep in there with the bumper on. I've made sure it's not loose and so far great. Now my concern is blankets : (
  • I also get very hungry. I think about food all the time. What I've been doing are smoothies with kale spinach and fruit. It may sound gross but it's actually good and healthy. You should look up green smoothie recipes or you can be creative and make up your own. I just had a smoothie. I used 2 cups of kale 1 cup of baby…
  • I hope they are. I really want her to sleep on their because she really hasn't . Also my bed is right next to her crib. I might just take it off tomorrow. I guess I'll be sleeping with one eye open tonight
  • I guess I will try the cup my 2 other kids (2 and 4) stopped using the at 1.
  • My 3 month old sleeps at around 10pm then I have to wake her up at 6am to bf then I put her back in her crib n doesn't wake up til 9am. I feel pretty lucky
  • I hope it just stops soon been having light bleeding for a little over a month now it's so annoying
  • Hmm I will try everything then gonna have a fridge full of breast milk.
  • You mean like fenugreek capsules? I had looked that up and a pharmacist told me she wouldn't recommend that if I'm breastfeeding so I'm kinda lost with that fenugreek stuff. And RBXchas can I find the brewers yeast and flaxseed meal at wal mart or do I have to shop at a special place cus only places I go are wal mart and…
  • Will try that I want to be able to produce enough to feed and store for when I'm out thanks
  • Ok will add that to my diary been putting 300 thanks :)