

  • Congrats! My kids have been my inspiration to lose weight, with the same mind set as yours. I want them to be proud of me and I want them to set a good example for them. Thank you for sharing your story. It is neat to read a story that is so much like my own, and to hear of the success you have had so far. Keep up the good…
  • I don't get home from work until almost 6 pm, but I do try not to snack at night. I will eat dinner of course, but I try not to snack or drink anything (except for water) after dinner. In my experience, I tend to gain weight more if I am munching in the evenings.
  • Since I have started with MFP I have lost a little, which is more than I can say for the last two years. It is disappointing to work so hard and not see much, but a little is better than nothing and eventually a little bit over time will add up. I am determined to lose it and I am glad that I have a place like MFP that can…
  • Thank you for the advice. Whether it is the menopause or not, I am determined to lose the weight.
  • I tend to lose weight the exact same way. I get frusterated alot, but I am still determined to keep at it. My weight loss history would definately be compared to a yo yo, but my weight gain all came with my kids. Granted, I know I should not have gained weight the way I did while I was pregnant, but I did. And now, I won't…