The first 20 pounds....

itskim08 Posts: 22
edited September 20 in Success Stories
I can't count how many times I decided to go on some diet. I'd start some fad diet thing and lose a couple pounds...then when my will power gave out, I'd gain that back plus a couple more. I'd see old friends in Wal-Mart or other public places and just CRINGE when I walk past them....because they looked great, and in their last memory of me....I looked great too! Now I assume they think, "Man she's gotten huge!" And guess what, I can honestly say...I had. No doubt about it. I was huge. Since high school in 2001, I have gained a whopping 70 plus pounds!

Finally, I have come to a point in my life where I have found strength. Not that I wasn't a strong person before in many ways. But my sweet baby...needs me. She REALLY needs me. She looks up to me for everything. Everything she learns, she mainly learns from me and her daddy of course. What kind of example am I setting for her health wise at 205 pounds with a big slice of cheese pizza in one hand and a Route 44 Dr. Pepper in the other??

On January 20th 2010, I changed my eating habits completely. I have not yet started exercising, but have lost 20 pounds so far by simply changing my eating habits. I look at this number and just cannot believe it. I NEVER would have thought I'd even have lost those first 10 pounds! Finally I've had enough faith in myself to do this! Thank God for those first 20 pounds!


  • Good for you!!! That's an incredible start! Just think of the results you'll have once you add some exercise in!
  • Congrats! My kids have been my inspiration to lose weight, with the same mind set as yours. I want them to be proud of me and I want them to set a good example for them. Thank you for sharing your story. It is neat to read a story that is so much like my own, and to hear of the success you have had so far. Keep up the good work.
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    congrats to you keep up the awesome work.
  • lgblack
    lgblack Posts: 73 Member
    Good for you!!! It is so true that we are role models for our children....and how much they learn from us. Just look around you in the grocery store. Overweight people generally have overweight children. Because of how they cook for the family. Because of the lack of physical activity they engage in as a family. Because of they types of food they keep in the house for snacking. As women, so much of our family's health is on our shoulders. Once we take charge of our own health....look at how many other lives we can positively effect!!! We kept our kids active, but weren't active ourselves. Now, they lead sedentary lives and are both fighting weight issues. Too busy they and their part time jobs. (They are both in post secondary school) Finally, one of them is starting to tackle the fitness...she is in nursing so I keep on telling her that she needs her body healthy and strong in order to be of help to those relying on her. My husband and I, both over 50, saw numbers on the scale that send shivers up our spines and started us on the bandwagon to lose weight by healthier choices and to be more physically active. We are both down in weight (halfway to our goals) and working out quite regular. finally, our other daughter is trying to get motivated. Her weight is carried on her hips (like her aunt on her father's side) and she is quite disheartened. But I said until she makes wiser choices on eating, and gets more active, she won't know what hips she really has. They will always be disproportionate to her upper body, but they don't need to be where they are now. She is still having a rough time getting started.
    So see how your actions today will have a huge positive impact on your children?!! You go do it girl!!! For yourself first. For your family second. Everyone will benefit. More energy. Sexy clothes. Just plain feeling good.
  • BADGIRLstl
    BADGIRLstl Posts: 473 Member
    Congrats! I finally met 20lbs lost....but I'm waiting to log that information in until weigh in date.. I would have never imagined losing 20lbs..... I have 20 more to go and I cannot wait!

    Taking pictures helps also!!! Thats big!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Wow!! I've only lost 15 lbs so far...can't wait to get to 20!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    wtg for taking that first step! If you ever start losing focus, listen to the song In My Daughter's Eyes. Makes me bawl every time. Stick with it, keep your eye on the prize (a long and HEALTHY life), and go for it!
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