dferrara Member


  • I have run into this situation before, have always returned the money and have never regretted it. I sleep like a baby at night and I like the person I've become. I've also found that Karma has a way of paying back good deeds 100x over. I've run into a lot of good people in my life who've helped me out when I needed it. I…
  • I'm 43... have lost 8 pounds in the last two weeks. 100 more to go! :)
  • http://www.potatoes.com/files/9313/4885/1811/That_Guy_Who_Ate_All_THe_Potatoes_Cookbook.pdf A man ate nothing but potatoes for a long time to prove how healthy they are. Above is the link with the recipes he ate during that time... I think you will find a few you like!
  • First, increase your calories. 1200 is borderline starvation... you don't want a plan to take the weight off quickly, you want a plan to take it off permanently! At 1200, you are in starvation mode and your body is holding onto your fat for dear life... knock it up to 1300. Next, try some new healthy recipes you might…
  • What worked for you (as far as motivation is concerned) just isn't working for you now. That's very normal. It's easy to beat yourself up, we are all our own worst critics! Shake things up a bit! Do something new! *Try a new sport or class *Go shopping and buy yourself a dress that is one size smaller than you are now and…
  • HA! Good for you!