Hi, any 40 or 50 year olds trying to lose weight?



  • I'll be 40 this year. I'm not in bad shape but I'm not quite read for the pool
  • I am 53 yrs. old and have been trying for a year to loose some weight. This year I made a goal that I was going to get to my desired weight. 60 lbs to loose before my birthday in July I have already lost 5 lbs, but I am not counting on that to stay that way cause it seems like I loose then I gain it back, hoping this helps me and gives me the encouragement to keep going. Today is better than yesterday! Zumba my new best friend and just walking which I love to do.
    I do have a question for all you Yogurt lovers, I can't stand the after taste, any ideas to help this taste?
    I wish I liked it!
    I eat Greek Yoghurt and put in a spoonful of honey :-D
  • sandyrrt
    sandyrrt Posts: 255 Member
    Hello! I'm 51. Started MFP Jan. 2012. Have lost 25 lbs. Have stalled. I believe (no...I KNOW) I have hurt my metabolism and am now in the process of trying to get that straightened out before I can continue on (need to lose another 30).

    Any one, please feel free to add me:)
  • jbbannister7
    jbbannister7 Posts: 6 Member
    44 and ready to nail this weight loss....boy oh boy it's tuff but my god look how much support there is....it's brilliant...JB
  • Sarajo71
    Sarajo71 Posts: 9 Member
    Hiya, yes I'm 41 and started here in January 2013. It's really helping me, hope you enjoy it too xx
  • chele1028
    chele1028 Posts: 248 Member
    :wink: Yes! 42 here, been on here since Aug 2011 and have lost 85 lbs as of today so far! You CAN do this! :wink:
  • I just turned 47 and need to lose twenty. Just starting this week, and it is nice to see everyone on here. Great support.
  • Today is my last day at 46. I will be 47 tomorrow and I am in the best shape I have been in since my high school days. I joined MFP in November 2012. This place is great and I have some wonderful friends that log on everyday to help and give encouragement. You can do this. We are all in this together.
  • Linda1043
    Linda1043 Posts: 4 Member
    Today is my last day at 46. I will be 47 tomorrow and I am in the best shape I have been in since my high school days. I joined MFP in November 2012. This place is great and I have some wonderful friends that log on everyday to help and give encouragement. You can do this. We are all in this together.

    Happy Birthday...hope you have a great day tomorrow.
  • 43 here...feel free to add me as a friend.
  • wow29
    wow29 Posts: 283 Member
  • Destiny2017
    Destiny2017 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes! About to turn 41 in 1 month! My goal is to lose 35 lbs by the end of the year...being very realistic with myself. It's a challenge but I am praying I reach my goal. If I can't do this in 11 months, SHAME ON ME!:embarassed:
  • Thank you everyone for taking the time to reply :-D it's fantastic to know that there are so many of us taking positive steps to battle the bulge!

    Everyone please feel free to add me :-D
  • Hi, I'm 41 and joined in jan this year. I'm eating about 1500 calories a day and exercising 5 times a week but struggling to lose weight, only lost .4lbs so far. Any suggestions?
  • gabe_irun4coffee
    gabe_irun4coffee Posts: 230 Member
    Hi 52 here with only about 10 lbs to go. Always looking for more support. Feel free to add. :-)
  • TheFinalThird
    TheFinalThird Posts: 315 Member
    51 years old. Have lost 93 pounds in 6 1/2 months. 165 pounds to go.
  • Hires113
    Hires113 Posts: 12 Member
    I just joined the 40's club :) I have 25-30 lbs. to lose. Hypertension runs in the family along with diabetes and High Cholesterol. I'm looking to be healthy through diet and exercise but have low self control around fatty foods. Feel free to add me!!
  • dferrara
    dferrara Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 43... have lost 8 pounds in the last two weeks. 100 more to go! :)
  • Hi I am Jimmy 51 from New York struggling with weight all my Life now it's a medical necessity I need all the Friends I can get
  • I'm 46 and have lost about 30 since February of last year. Have another 20 I'd like to see go.