

  • Hi trish, I added you! Good luck on your goals! Sorry to hear about the surgery but glad to hear the doc said your heart is good to take on exercising again!
  • I added you! Anyone can add me! My first goal is to lose 30 pounds by Christmas time and I love your idea of a bucket list for exercise goals/accomplishments! I love it! Congratulations on a good start and good luck with the next 38 pounds!! You can do it!!
  • Hi Elisabeth! Good luck! I am just starting and I have a long journey ahead ... one day, one meal, one workout at a time and we all can get to our goals!!
  • Good luck Liz!! I added you and anyone can add me!
  • Restart now! Do not let the slip up get you down! No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. Some people have one small splurge a day and some have one day a week is a splurge day .. just try not to over do it!
  • Good luck!! I have over 100 pounds to lose ... anyone can add me, too! I love the calorie counter .. I can keep a good eye on the carbs and sugars and sometimes I put my dinner in early, so I can see the numbers! Having a little extra treat, is not so appealing when I know my numbers look great without having the treat!!…
  • Good luck Michael!! As always, stay away from too much carbs and the hidden carbs in your vegetables! And the sugars! Sugars cause your insulin to spike and slow the burning or calories .. which keeps the weight on the body! You may know all that .. I am just learning some of it, and I am 34! I like your "getting fit by…