Getting fit before 40

Hi I'm Michael from Preston UK, the big 40 is only 2 years away and I'm doing something now before it's too late to get my weight on track.

I've been on plenty of different diets at home and going to clubs with various degrees of success but it's hard to stay motivated when your the only guy sat in a room full of ladies, the most recent club was slimming world and I have lost 25lbs in just over 10 weeks, however 3 weeks ago I joined a proper gym and have got the weight training bug, which I'm loving

Whilst searching online for some ideas of what I can eat and will be beneficial at the gym I stumbled back across this website and have decided I am going to follow the caloric deficit plan to help me get to the next stage, slimming world helped but long term it is a business after all and I feel the plan they have will have repercussions eventually eating as much free food without a care

If anyone has any hints on fat burning foods or supplements I'm all ears

Good luck to everyone on their own journey


  • lauriewhittem
    Good luck Michael!!

    As always, stay away from too much carbs and the hidden carbs in your vegetables! And the sugars! Sugars cause your insulin to spike and slow the burning or calories .. which keeps the weight on the body!

    You may know all that .. I am just learning some of it, and I am 34! I like your "getting fit by 40" .. I am thinking that may be a great goal for myself, because I have a lot of weight to lose!! Add me if you want! Good luck .. you can do it!!
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    Hi! I did the whole 'fit before 40' thing. I am a little ahead of you though, I turned 40 in feb :)

    There is no real secret, just keep moving and monitor your diet. I am a great believer in 'everything in moderation', I didn't go on a diet as such, I just changed my eating habits. However, if I want chocolate/wine/icecream etc, I have it, I just know that I need to earn it first :)

    If you are looking for some UK friends, feel free to add me. I log daily.
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member

    If anyone has any hints on fat burning foods or supplements I'm all ears

    My advice would be to start out not thinking that there are any "bad" foods. And there is no such thing as a "fat burning food" or supplement. You can get fat on a diet of vegetables alone if there is not a calorie deficit in place. It's all a matter of moderation and consuming less than your body needs. Don't start out making it hard on yourself.

    Good job on your progress so far and good luck in the future... :drinker:
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    37, in the UK and female here. I'd love to be fit and normal weight before I'm 40. Am doing it the radical way of eating less and exercising more. Add me if you wish!


    ETA: I'm with jeffpettis here - there are no bad foods, just eat for a reasonable deficit. You may find certain foods help with that goal - eat more of those. Some will hinder that goal - eat these in strict moderation. Log your foods, count your calories and find out what works for you.

    Losing weight is simple. (Simple, of course, does not mean easy. It's hard, but it *is* simple. :happy: )
  • CitizenMichael
    CitizenMichael Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you all for your advice, would add but not sure how so please request me if you wish