

  • OK thanks guys! I drink a TON of water every day (probably around 3L) so I won't worry about it too much
  • I'm guilty of this. Took me a month and a half to realize that Calorie deficit is the only way. Better late than never, I guess
  • I had the same thing happen to me last weekend. Used it as motivation since then and by Friday I was so pleased with the results I saw. Use it as motivation!
  • Yes I did experience weight gain at first (for the first month or so). You have to remember that weight loss isn't linear... it fluctuates all the time. If you keep at it... eat right, exercise often, and get plenty of sleep... you WILL eventually see results. My new mindset is just strengthening my metabolism as much as…
  • I've noticed already that I can't do the same number of reps when I workout with weights because of all the running I'm doing. But my number one goal is to lose the fat. If I lose my tone, I'm ok with that (pool season is over anyways). Losing the fat is my absolute priority. Would a workout regimen of like 5 days of…
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