

  • I do some of the Biggest Loser workouts and have logged them as Aerobic or Circuit Training.
  • Tho there is a lot of debate on the subject I often do the same thing, to some degree. I will eat breakfast and a good lunch and will often not eat dinner then have a snack later. I try not to go too far under my caloric goals though, because you don't want to put your body in starvation mode. Logically it seems that you…
  • I'm 5'8 and older then most of you. The 120's seem a little underweight for this height but you know you're own body. I was at 204 but then I quit smoking and gained 20 pound. Then hurt my back and added a few more pounds (I got up to 231). I am now healed and back in the gym and am at 219. My weight goal is 187 (an odd…
  • Recently started mine as well. Have about 30 pounds to loose, 6 lost already... It's all do-able. :smile:
    in Hello.. Comment by Kailapea July 2011
  • Walking is the easiest of all. And it is something you can do with your kids. Also check out some excercise videos. I have several and when I can't make it to the gym I pop one of those in and go for it. Any little thing will help. Good luck.
  • Accountability. Many people lack it, especially those with addictive behaviors. It is so much easier to blame anything else, then to admit it is our own lack of self control that puts us in the position that we are. I take several meds that have contibuted some to my weight gain. But I am not fooling myself, my love of ice…