Exercise suggestions

Jycooper Posts: 195
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm a full time working mother of 4. I do not have time to make it to the gym. Do any of you have any suggestions of exercises that can be done at home. Thx.


  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
  • Kailapea
    Kailapea Posts: 7
    Walking is the easiest of all. And it is something you can do with your kids. Also check out some excercise videos. I have several and when I can't make it to the gym I pop one of those in and go for it. Any little thing will help. Good luck.
  • Puddn218
    Puddn218 Posts: 1
    Jillian Michaels workout tapes are great!
  • marnieinMB
    marnieinMB Posts: 196 Member
    Try doing tabata at home...its fast and effective.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Sometimes i dont want to take my 2 year old out to walk because he gets in one of his moods and either wants to walk super slow or run ahead of me... do you have comcast?! Or even on exercise.tv u can buy the leslie santone walking at home... Its fast pace walking in place with aerobics incorporated. They have 1mile, 2mile, even 3mile videos. I have also found short work outs on youtube that have helped me.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I'm a full time working mother of 4. I do not have time to make it to the gym. Do any of you have any suggestions of exercises that can be done at home. Thx.

    Google Bodyweight exercises... fit a set or two in between other activities and you could have a full strength workout over the course of a day... add in some walking or running and you're completely set.
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    30 day shred. quick, only slightly painful, very effective :)
  • I have some zumba dvds that my kids LOVE to do with me! I have my own two kids at home (girl 8 boy 7) and I watch my friends daughter (10)...they all do hip hop dance classes, so zumba just really hits home with them! They love it! I also bought a treadmill off craigs list for $125...so I will do that when they are quiet in their room (I can't be interrupted or I get distracted). If you have some friends with kids, you can all go to the park, let them play and work out while they are playing in the playground. I'm starting a boot camp for some of the people at my school, so days that hubby cant watch the kids that's going to be my plan.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    There are lots of options.

    Cheap & easy - walk and then try jogging

    For variety - check out Youtube. There are lots of decent workout suggestions. Be careful though as there are also lots of people with no idea what they are talking about as well.

    Interactive video games. Something like WII fit or Wii Yoga. I think that even XBOX has some interactive exercise games.

    Then , DVD fitness programs , something like PSX90

    Lastly, try and make the time to get to a class once a week. Zumba, Pilates, Yoga, etc. This will get you moving and motivated as there will be a certified instructor along with other people working towards similar goals. As you improve you will be able to duplicate by doing extra work at home based upon what you learn in the class.

    Good luck, I hope you find something that works for you.
  • Jycooper
    Jycooper Posts: 195
    Thanks for all of the helpful suggestions. I really appreciate it.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Exercise DVDs are great. To get a feel for what you might like - try cheap or free options first:

    exercisetv.com (also a channel on Comcast cable)
    Hulu.com has a health channel

    collagevideo.com is a great resource - exercise DVDs are reviewed by professionals & amatures alike. Reviews let you know if equipment is required, if it has complex choreography, if its high impact ....etc.

    One of my favorites - Leslie Sansone "Walk at Home." I have 2 left feet (and got tired of the treadmill). I can just pop in a DVD and "walk" 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. miles. I don't have to worry about the weather. There are walking videos on exercise TV and Netflix.
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