elmacribecky Member


  • I have to agree with the coconut oil and exercise. I have my daughters birthday on Sunday and she always chooses her cake for me to make. I told her i would make two. One that she wants and one low carb sugar free for me. She was not impressed and said it would ruin her day as we always all sit and eat the cake together. I…
  • Thanks thats a good little site :-)
  • Brill, Thanks :wink:
  • <cool, Thanks for that. Yes it makes sense now. I couldn´t work out if the carbs were new or not. ( newbie :-) ) How many new carbs should i try and stick to on the Keto plan? :bigsmile: so happy i can continue with the avocados for breakfast now. We have so many trees worth it would be a shame not to eat loads ourselves…
  • Hi , Yes i understand how important they are. Its just i´m not sure if 2500 was correct or not. I had a really salty lunch and i was way way under from hitting my target. I am going to make my own broth again today. any ideas on how to measure the salt content in that. >I normally put a salted pork bone in and also 2 table…
  • No my bloods only show the total cholesterol this time. a bit silly really when i asked for bloods to be done to check the cholesterol. Thanks for the links Golightly17. I think my doctor is very old school. I live in Spain and its a little behind on modern medicine and new ideas. I have read lots on the saturated fat and…