shanesemathis Member


  • Absolutely! Welcome to MyFitnessPal! Feel free to add me if you’d like!
  • Best of luck!!
  • Try to go to the company’s website to find the correct calorie count and log your foods that way!
  • If you would like to add me as a friend for a little encouragement, you’re welcome to!
  • Long time myfitnesspal member here. I have successfully lost about 50lbs using this app in the past. I honestly think success here just takes navigating meeting your caloric deficit goal everyday. That can be done by substituting certain foods/condiments for lower calorie options, buying a food scale to help you measure…
  • I’m kind of in the same boat. I’m 30 but I used to be fit too and have been off the wagon for the past 3 years or so. I’m now pre-diabetic and really need to get my act together, and would like to lose about 40 lbs too. Feel free to add me as a friend here if you’d like support here :smile:
  • I would suggest investing in a good heart rate monitor if you can! I've used the Polar FT4 (old model but very reliable) for about 3 years now and it's been a game changer with helping me count calories burned (using my personal info) during any work out. It's $60 on Amazon... Should simplify your calorie counting by a…
  • I'm kind of in the same boat as you. A few years ago I weighed 215 at 5'8" and lost 50lbs. I've since gained 30 back and am now back in the saddle for good with the goal of losing those 30 lbs again. You can definitely do this without the easy fix. By doing it yourself you make yourself mentally and physically stronger…
  • Fellow Walker here! I love nature walks while listening to Pandora, and that's how I lost 50 lbs about a year and a half ago. I've gained 30 lbs back (ugh) so now I'm back in the saddle for good. I'm mostly in the gym right now because Florida Summers don't make for great walking weather, but will resume walking when the…
  • I will usually do one whole egg, 2-3 egg whites, a serving of oatmeal, 2 pieces of turkey bacon. That's approx 310 calories, depending on what you prefer to put in your oatmeal and what you use to cook your eggs. No sugar added vanilla almond milk is what I try to use. I'll also do just 2 servings of oatmeal (I go for…
  • It is really about holding yourself accountable for everything you eat. I think once you do that, you will be more selective in what you choose to splurge on and when you choose to splurge on it. It also seems like you limit yourself in your daily meals... Milk and a piece of toast for breakfast probably is not satisfying…
  • Looks very good :) Thanks for the share!
  • I don't particularly dance salsa or ballroom, but I love Zumba, which I'm sure you know involves salsa and other types of dance. So, I do love dancing for fun and exercise! Feel free to add me if you want to.
  • Probably at least half of the people on this site do not have a heart rate monitor and just go by what MFP estimates their calorie burn at (this can be far above or below what they actually burned). I own a Polar HRM as well and just burned about 600 calls doing a 1 hour Zumba class. As to why you're not burning more…
  • When you are burning lots of calories daily, it is natural for your body to want you to eat to replace those calories that you burned. I don't know how many calories you are consuming and burning daily, but you should really not ever feel like you are starving when counting calories. The calories that you take in are like…
  • No matter what anyone says, BBQ's can be kind of scary because there's usually a schmorgus board of food there, deserts and alcohol included. The best thing to do is eat and enjoy yourself in moderation. I weigh myself once a week on the same day every week, so for me, if I have a day where I'm at a BBQ (don't know how…
  • Walking at your own pace and swimming will probably be your best bets. You can control how much you use your knee (somewhat, at least) with both exercises and swimming may strengthen it.
  • You really don't need to go on special restrictive diets to lose weight. If you're on a weight loss journey and you have moments where you feel like a major failure if you've had a little bit of ice cream or pasta or anything of that sort, you're doing it wrong , in my opinion. The idea is to definitely eat better for your…
  • You're looking great! Congratulations and keep up the good work! :-)
  • I just got back on the wagon too, and this is probably the longest time I've stuck with it (almost a month now... lol). However, I've finally decided that I REALLY want to look and feel better about myself. I would be happy to have you as a friend. Feel free to add me. We can motivate each other!
  • 1. Use just one scale to weigh yourself every time. It may sound silly, but since the beginning of my weight loss journey I have always used the scale at the local public to track my weight. I don't have a scale at home and I'm ok with that, because that keeps me from being obsessed with the numbers on the scale. Every…
  • Believe it or not, exercising actually HELPS with the cramps! My main form of exercise is ZUMBA, so it not only distracts my mind from the cramps but also gets all of the blood circulating throughout my body to the point where I don't really feel the crams when I'm dancing. It is better to get up and get distracted from…