Any & all suggestions.

I found myfitnesspal ten days ago and so far I've lost 3 lbs. I just got a new scale, When I weighed on my old scale I had started at 253 and with in 8 days the scale was saying I lost somewhere around 6 lbs so im not sure if I've lost 3 or 6. Although, 6 would be a lot in 8-9 days so I simply adjusted my weight to what this new scales say using the old ones first weighing. Most people you look at on here that have lost weight you have to be friends with to see their diet and such and I want to make sure im on the right path here since this is the only thing I've ever stuck with and I absolutely love it. I've only went over my calories once due going out for my second anniversary, I went over about 200. I attempt to exercise in some way or another daily to at least meet the goals that the site has set for me. I wake up plan out my whole day worth of meals and fallow it then add in the exercise when I do it. Anyone whos had success feel like giving any tips or pointers? I'll look in my settings to make my page as open as possible. Thanks.


  • shanesemathis
    shanesemathis Posts: 25 Member
    1. Use just one scale to weigh yourself every time. It may sound silly, but since the beginning of my weight loss journey I have always used the scale at the local public to track my weight. I don't have a scale at home and I'm ok with that, because that keeps me from being obsessed with the numbers on the scale. Every scale is different and if you consistently weigh yourself with different scales you will see different numbers, which can be confusing and sometimes depressing.

    2. Use a heart rate monitor when you exercise so that you can get a precise count on how many calories your burned and how good of a workout you got that day. I just received mine yesterday and can't wait to use it gain today during my ZUMBA class. I own the Polar FT4 (if you don't already have one).
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member


    Good luck to you!! Just remember take everyday one at a time and if you slip up just get start with the next meal. Also don't expect to lose based on what the "if every day were like today" tab.
  • lgodival
    lgodival Posts: 3
    Thank you looking over those were helpful but my question is: Is the measurements on the site not accurate? Let say that I have great value sliced carrots and measure out half a cup does that not get me the right information? Im logging everything, But in the measurements that are provided as in cups and such.
  • sabeltz
    sabeltz Posts: 5
    I have just started MFP today. I also have the same question with the measurements. I also could use any and all advice on how to use the app for the best results!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Thank you looking over those were helpful but my question is: Is the measurements on the site not accurate? Let say that I have great value sliced carrots and measure out half a cup does that not get me the right information? Im logging everything, But in the measurements that are provided as in cups and such.

    The information listed on the packaging or in the MFP database is based on the weight given for the serving size. The measuring cup serving size they give you on the nutrition label is an estimation meant to make it easier for most people to use. It's not as accurate as weight. If you were to take three 1/2 cup servings and weigh each one they would each be slightly different because of the way the carrots pack together and how much empty space is left between each piece.

    For something like carrots it's not a huge difference because the calories are so low. For something like almonds or ice cream or meat it can be a big difference. The more calorie dense the food the larger the margin of error becomes.

    It's absolutely possible to lose weight while just using measuring cups and spoons, but if your weight loss slows down or stalls it's a really easy place to start to see what might be going wrong. Unfortunately, it's really easy to accidentally eat more than you think.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Thank you looking over those were helpful but my question is: Is the measurements on the site not accurate? Let say that I have great value sliced carrots and measure out half a cup does that not get me the right information? Im logging everything, But in the measurements that are provided as in cups and such.

    Check out the Step by Step Logging link above.

    Because foods are entered by MFP users ......there will be some error. Weighing foods (dry measure) is more accurate. Liquids - you're good to go.

    Try to keep everything in perspective.......carrots is a good example. They are pretty low calorie, not much of a problem......but for something that's calorie dense the calorie difference can add up fast.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    Is the measurements on the site not accurate?

    All calorie measurements are inaccurate to some degree, but you can minimize inaccuracy by weighing foods. Food scales are cheap.

    But while measuring cups are *less* accurate, they're still a helluva lot more accurate than guestimating.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Thank you looking over those were helpful but my question is: Is the measurements on the site not accurate? Let say that I have great value sliced carrots and measure out half a cup does that not get me the right information? Im logging everything, But in the measurements that are provided as in cups and such.

    If you took your 1 cup of carrots and compared it to my 1 cup of carrots, we'd most likely end up with two different serving sizes of carrots. I still use measuring cups for some things, especially liquids, but solids should really be weighed for the most accurate calorie counts. You just have to find an entry in the database that uses ounces or grams instead of cups or tablespoons. They're out there, you just have to look.

    The weight is also listed on the nutritional information. For instance, it'll say "Serving Size: 2 tablespoons (12g). To make things easy, I'll use the 2 tablespoon entry and just make sure I'm weighing out exactly 12 g. People looking at your diary will probably think you're not weighing, but you know you are, and that's all that matters. Whatever works best for you, but weighing is the most accurate way to do it.
  • lgodival
    lgodival Posts: 3
    Those comments along with the links are a tremendous help and puts things better into view.

    So, for the time being im going to pretty much stay on the same track i'll just keep a closer eye on my calorie dense items or items that are guess measuring such as the packaged meat ext.

    For the time being it seems to be working but if I happen to come to a bump in the road that my weight lose stops its time to invest in a scale and measure things a bit closer. MFP helps greatly for the fact its cut out bad snacking or to watch and take more care into what I am snacking on to start with. Not to mention it has cut out 100% of my "eating out of boredom".
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I found myfitnesspal ten days ago and so far I've lost 3 lbs. I just got a new scale, When I weighed on my old scale I had started at 253 and with in 8 days the scale was saying I lost somewhere around 6 lbs so im not sure if I've lost 3 or 6. Although, 6 would be a lot in 8-9 days so I simply adjusted my weight to what this new scales say using the old ones first weighing. Most people you look at on here that have lost weight you have to be friends with to see their diet and such and I want to make sure im on the right path here since this is the only thing I've ever stuck with and I absolutely love it. I've only went over my calories once due going out for my second anniversary, I went over about 200. I attempt to exercise in some way or another daily to at least meet the goals that the site has set for me. I wake up plan out my whole day worth of meals and fallow it then add in the exercise when I do it. Anyone whos had success feel like giving any tips or pointers? I'll look in my settings to make my page as open as possible. Thanks.
    Doestn really matter if you lost 3 or 6, but for reasons to make yourself feel better mark it as 6 and use the new scale to guage your progress from here!

    Going over by 200 is nothing and nothing to worry about.
    Just continue to get exercise in and eat at a deficit. It isnt rocket science. Keep on being true to the deficit and you will see results