cjeepgal Member


  • thanks for the great ideas!!! Very helpful
  • thanks...I have been doing it all worng :) This will change the way I work out. Thanks...I am curious to see if I get a difference in weight loss
  • yes this happened to me...I just finished week two and saw a decrease. If you did not exercise before and now you are starting it takes 2 -3 weeks to adjust. Hang in there your hard work will pay off. - btw I eat most of my workout calories and still have lost. I do notice types of food and sodium intake make a difference
  • wow...and thanks for the responses. I am working out both cardio and strength training. I will look over my goals again and make sure those are right. I am going to give it another week before feeling too defeated. I was just so surprised...and not in a good way this week.