Thanks for posting! I love cheescake
I.m loving "Spike Diet" too. I've never had fun on a diet before like I'm having now. Good Job!
Great post Thanks
Spike refers to metabolism, and 84, is the 84 days, it's a 12 week program. It was my first question:laugh:
It's a program my trainer started. Basically, it's a calorie goal 6 days a week. You eat most of your carbs at night, and one day a week, Spike day you eat whatever you want all day with a calorie limit of 2 times my BMR. It fits my lifestyle perfectly, and it's working like crazy.
I have this every time I go there!
Is it like the Spike Diet? It sounds like it. I eat whatever I want one day a week and eat a lot, and then the other 6 days I eat healthier calories. Ive lost almost 30 lbs so far. So it's definitely a diet for food lovers.
It's how I've done it. I eat twice my normal calories one day on the weekend, and have that deficit the other 6 days. I've lost almost 30 pounds so fart total and I love it. The one day of overeating keeps my metabolism strong so that I won't go into a sort of starvation mode when I'm dieting.