

  • Hey Everyone, Sorry I haven't checked in for a few days. Work has been insane and I haven't had time to think. I have been watching my calories, but haven't really lost any more weight. It's that time of the month and its been one of the worst by far!! Luckily it will be over in a couple of days and I should feel like my…
  • I had braces as an adult too. I too ate most anything I wanted and I have to agree that cleaning is the most important thing. You might want to think about getting a Water Pic or such. When they are sore (after tightening) soups, eggs, jello and pudding are good. Make yourself a nice fruit smoothy with your favorite…
  • Good Evening All, I haven't watched Dance Your *kitten* Off - but it looks like I should give it a try. I'm more of a Top Chef, Next Food Network Star kind of girl. My neck/shoulder is still stiff and sore. I'm going to call and make an appointment for a massage this weekend. Evening snacks, I like Trail Mix, Sugar Free…
  • Great job to those who lost - you are an inspiration to those of us getting a slower start. I found the 30 Day Shred on my Fios on demand. I did level one - but may have pulled a muscle in my neck/shoulder. Guess hubby will have to rub it out. Starting Weight 175 Current Weight 172.5 Goal Weight 150
  • I weigh myself every morning - so it doen't matter to me either way.
  • We had a Pot Luck today at work. It's a little hard to log my food. I had a bit of this and that but tried to stay away from the rices and potatoes. Broke down and had a piece of my friends pound cake and a small piece of bread pudding :embarassed: I'm hoping I can make up for it this weekend. It all tasted so good - but…
  • How about sharing some of our favorite meals, snacks :smooched: ........... Here are a couple of mine Grilled Eggplant with turkey meatballs and pizza sauce Sugar Free Fudge Pops :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  • Just found Exercise TV on my Verizon Fios on Demand. Did the Abs and Buns workout. Love it!!
  • Just one pound here also. I really need to increase my exercise, but it is way too hot most days to go out biking or walking. I need to find an aerobics class. That's my goal this week. More water & more exercise. :cry:
  • How do you get to the website?
  • My mini goal is to drink my 6-8 glasses of water a day and get off my backside more. :drinker: I'd like to loose 2 lbs this week.
  • Hello Everyone!! My starting weight is 175 and my goal weight is 150lbs. I don't want to be supermodel thin, just healthy. This week - I will start doing tummy crunches and push ups before bed.
  • I actually started this week, but a support group would be great.
  • Same here. I really need to get some energy back!!