nukebomb Member


  • Thank you guys for all the support already! It's exciting and makes me want to go straight to the gym lol. Hey d2football. Read the message I sent with my friend request if you get a second. Thanks!
  • That's impressive. There was birthday cake in my house last night and that is my weakness. I didnt cave and get a piece but i cant say i didnt get a swipe of icing. Lol baby steps!
  • I am said friend lol please feel free to add me as well!
  • Wow. I just posted my intro about 5 mins and already the support is amazing. Thank you guys for taking the time to respond. This support of the members here I believe is going to push me over the top. Hopefully I can offer support to you all as well. Thanks again.
  • Thank you for the response. I am very excited and want this more then anything. Question for you, how do I add the weight loss bar and the bottom of my posts? Thanks