Long Overdue

Hello to everyone. I am new here and just recently downloaded the mfp app. In looking through it, it truly is amazing. They always say it is best to log your eating, excersing, activities, etc. This really makes all of that extremely simple. A little about me: I am 23, college grad who now works full time, just fun loving guy. Very easing going and easy to get a long with. I have always been the funny fat guy, which I fully embraced, but honestly now I just want to be the funny guy. I am tired of always being tired, tired of my body aching just b/c of my weight, frankly im tired of just being fat. I really want to know what it would be like to experience life in a new way. Ive read through the success stories and man I really just want that more then anything. I have a great supportive loving family and friends and I would love to shock them and show them a new me. I have tried 100s of diets with the only result is me quiting. I really believe I can succeeed now. I want to log everything and really be active on the message boards here with both reading and helping others. The only thing better then success is seeing multiple people succeed. I am only 23 but my father has diabetes and I really want to avoid that. I am currently 6 foot 4 and 360 pounds. Because I am taller I do not look as big as I really am. My goal is to lose at least 100 pounds and then go from there. I look forward to talking with everyone and would love to add people as friends on the app. Thanks


  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    welcome to MFP!

    This site is incredibly helpful and informative, with plenty of good people and resources. Do remember, it is what you make it, just like anything else. If you stick to the recommendations, add plenty of water and exercise, and log EVERYTHING, the weight will come off, trust me!
  • nukebomb
    nukebomb Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for the response. I am very excited and want this more then anything. Question for you, how do I add the weight loss bar and the bottom of my posts? Thanks
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    You can definitely do this. There are so many people on the site who have done/are doing it. If they can do it, so can you.

    Be proud of yourself for starting.
  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    Glad to have you. The site is awesome. Best of luck. Feel freed to add me if you like, I a pretty good at giving that "kick in the pants" when needed. (To add bar, go to the tools tab and then copy/paste).

  • Floricienta
    Welcome! you will love this site.
  • btor
    btor Posts: 144 Member
    Congratulations on making the choice to join! It's honestly the best tool I've ever used regarding weight loss/living a healthier lifestyle. You can add the ticker on the bottom if you go to "tools" and then "ticker".
  • MelanieP_TX
    MelanieP_TX Posts: 159 Member
    After you create the weight loss ticker you can add it to your signature. Just copy and paste bb code and hit save.
  • nukebomb
    nukebomb Posts: 9 Member
    Wow. I just posted my intro about 5 mins and already the support is amazing. Thank you guys for taking the time to respond. This support of the members here I believe is going to push me over the top. Hopefully I can offer support to you all as well. Thanks again.
  • catmandoodle
    Welcome aboard. This is a wonderful site. Full of information and support. Please feel free to friend me if you want to. Good luck
  • Floricienta
    Wow. I just posted my intro about 5 mins and already the support is amazing. Thank you guys for taking the time to respond. This support of the members here I believe is going to push me over the top. Hopefully I can offer support to you all as well. Thanks again.

    I know, right? I felt the same way. You get like instant replies here it's amazing.