oK so I added my before picture to my profile and the only recent photo I have of myself, although it's only head and shoulders and in the gym of all places.
Everyone here is totally AWESOME!!!!! ROCK!!!! I don't have a more recent photo of myself that my profile taken a few months back. But I do have a do I add it here?
@ ericzintx I was TRYING to direct that comment at your AWESOME post!!! Thank you, you put it in way that really got to me.......
Thank you SO much, your post really got to me......sniff........thank you!!!!!
Thank you SO much, your post really got to me......sniff........thank you!!!!!
THANKS!! I have lost 40 kg in total and am trying to shed the last few, which of course are tougher than the rest were.
Hi Ashley, I threw my scales out, sounds drastic but it worked for me. I "threw" them to my neighbour and asked if I could come once a week to use them, that way, I literally COULDN'T obsess and look sane lol. I found it helped me stay on tract as I knew I was approachhing weigh in day and as I wanted to see a good result,…
You're welcome, for carb cravings I crunch on dry roasted chicpeas (as they also contain protein) and feel a bit naughtier than they actually are. If you remove white carbs from your diet entirely (use brown rice, buckwheat, rolled oats instead) you should stop the cravings too. GOOD LUCK!
Firstly, SLEEP, 8 hours per night minimum, no exceptions. Secondly 8 glasses of water per day, no exceptions. Now, if you INCREAASE your total Calorie consumption for the day to say 2000 and incorperate someLIGHT cardio, walking/swimming to burn off those caliries, aim to have that "net" cal number at 1200 which keeps you…
Hi, I'm 145 lbs roughly (66 kg) and wnting to lose too, and 2 lbs per week makes you feel disgusting, I've done it! If you are set in your mind to lose that much a week there are "safer" ways of doing it and a few tips I will happily share but you have to be careful and LISTEN to your body.
if you're truely still in deficit for the day, then you will still see a loss on the scales, but not as big as you would have without that unhealth choice. However, personally I find the "head guilt" is too much to handle and usually end up working it all off just for peace of mind to bring you back to what your calorie…
Ladies, I consume 130 g protein per day strength train 5 days per week, and after a minor adjustment of DOUBLING my carb intake for breakfast have been losing FAT (not muscle) like mad. If in doubt, speak to a nutritionist, it's invaluable
I always find comfort in the success of others, thank you for sharing with us!!! I wish I used this site/app when I first started losing weight (40 kg ago) but have found it key in helping break through my 3 month plateau. I've logged in for 16 days straight now and in 2 week dropped 1.9 kg ( that's a lot whern you're so…