

  • The problem with most diet pills is that they supress your appetite so you don't eat as much. As soon as you stop taking them you'll probably gain your weight back very quickly and then some. I am losing weight the old fashioned way as well, but in the past I have tried just about every diet pill on the market and there's…
    in Diet pills Comment by hlmpyar April 2011
  • Congratulations of the 25 lb. weight loss. It sounds like you're dedicated so i'm sure you'll get down to your goal in a good amount of time. I've been here about a week as well and also thinking keeping a food diary is an eye opener. I didn't realize so many foods had sugar in them. Good luck with your goals. :)
  • She's probably jealous, because she sees that you are feeling good about yourself and have goals. I believe it's like previously stated by others.... She's trying to bring you down to her level. Maybe because she has no self esteem and/or her self image is very bad and she's jealous of your confidence. Keep going with your…
  • Somehow, I discovered a couple years ago that Ranch Salad Dressing ( that I normally think is gross ) tastes absolutely delicious as a chicken marinade. I experimented and found out it's only good if the chicken marinates in it for at least 2 full days in the refrigerator so it has plenty of time to soak into the chicken.
  • @Ral263 - that's very good advice. I just had Jimmy John for dinner actually, about 90 minutes ago ** i'm at work for 2 1/2 more hours :( ** I didn't really think about what other things might be in that sandwich and how it may be prepared. At least cooking at home, a person knows exactly what's in their food.
  • Ruining your diet once in a while can't be too bad. We're not perfect and i'm sure everyone does it, including me. I found a website for a grocery store called Wegmans. The closest one is NY (or PA) but I like this website, because it has a ton of delicious, healthy recipes. Of course, all their recipes list their own…